Program areas at Action for Eastern Montana
Area Agency On AgingProvides a variety of opportunities for persons age 60 and older and to their spouse regardless of age. Services under the Older Americans Act have no income guidelines. Some of the services provided by our local county councils on aging include: transportation, skilled nurse, personal care, homemaker, health promotion, respite care, senior centers, legal services, congregate meals, home delivered meals, and outreach.
WeatherizationWeatherization assistance is provided to households who qualify for Low Income Energy Assistance (LIEAP) benefits. Client homes are prioritized on a list according to income and energy burden/usage. Weatherization measures may include a furnace tune-up, caulking, weather stripping, insulation, storm windows, vent dampers, window quilts, and replacement of broken glass and repair of primary doors.
Head StartProvides comprehensive services to eligible preschoolers and their families in Glendive, Glasgow, Malta, and Miles City, Montana. The purpose of the program is to develop, administer, and implement programs for the educational, social, health, nutritional, and psychological needs of children and their families. While eligibility is based on income guidelines, families that received certain benefits may be eligible. Ten percent of the slots can be filled with over-income families.