Program areas at AW
Conservation and Access: American Whitewater's core mission-related work is the conservation, restoration, and responsible management of whitewater rivers. In 2022 American Whitewater celebrated and helped initiate restored flows on the Mongaup (NY) and Weber (UT) rivers following years of effort, and negotiated new agreements to protect or restore flows on the Connecticut River (MA). American Whitewater directly participated in management decisions that improved flows and river access associated with dams on at least 32 rivers across the country. American Whitewater secured three new public river access areas in Massachusetts and one in Maryland that opened in 2022. In addition, American Whitewater actively supported the passage of legislation to transfer vital lands into trust for the benefit
action alerts, and descriptions of over 6,000 whitewater river reaches. In 2022 we added the ability for the public to share trip reports on our river-pages that often contain important safety information. The organization also reaches over 50,000 people through action alerts and monthly email newsletters, and regularly posts to a Facebook page with over 35,000 followers. American Whitewater's roughly 7,000 members and over 80 affiliate clubs receive our print journal published five times per year. American Whitewater launched a new online education toolkit about river signage, and presented on Wild and Scenic Rivers at several conferences and events. American Whitewater educated the public on responsible river use through the Paddle Wise program and through social media posts. Lastly, we worked to deepen and broaden our education on the rich tribal context of whitewater rivers.
of the Karuk Tribe, the creation of the Camp Hale-Continental Divide National Monument, and legislation to inventory all low head dams in the US. Lastly, we worked successfully to have several wildfire-related closures of public lands lifted in California and helped successfully defend the public right to paddle rivers in New Mexico. All told these efforts benefited over one thousand miles of spectacular rivers and many thousands of river enthusiasts. Public Education: American Whitewater educates the paddling community, general public, federal agencies, and decision makers on river stewardship issues and opportunities through several outlets. American Whitewater maintains and posts weekly content on the go-to website of the paddling community. Our website features news,