Program areas at Center for A Healthy Maryland
The Maryland physician health program is A confidential and nondisciplinary program that assists physicians and physician assistants with substance abuse, mental health, emotional and cognitive problems. Family members are also eligible for assistance. The program offers A range of services including intervention, evaluation, monitoring, and toxicology screening and advocacy. The program also consults with hospitals regarding policies, procedures, ideas and strategies for the intervention of physicians suspected of, or identified as, having A problem. The program offers A cme presentation, the scope of physician impairment, to hospital staff and residency programs. These hospital-based services allow Maryland hospitals to meet regulations set by the joint commission on accreditation of healthcare organizations for assisting physicians with potentially impairing problems through A nondisciplinary process and by educating physicians about issues of potentially impairing problems.
The professional rehabilitation program for physicians, physician assistants, and allied health providers licensed by the Maryland board of physicians has been established at the direction of the Maryland legislature for professionals who are in need of treatment and rehabilitation for alcoholism, chemical dependency, or other physical or psychological conditions, and who have been referred by the board for services. The program is designed to facilitate access to treatment and rehabilitation services. It offers information, evaluation, and referral for treatment. Staff is also available to provide or arrange presentations on topics related to substance abuse and mental health.
Public health program - the goal of this program is to extend practice knowledge among physicians and health knowledge to the public that improves quality of care and health, by conducting specific activities in exchange for assets received from various grantors. This program consists of individual subprograms based on grantor specifications and specific activities performed.
History of md medicine program - to preserve the history of medchi and recognize the contribution of Maryland physicians. The program also focuses on outreach efforts teaching about the history of medicine in Maryland and ongoing programs to improve the health status of the community.