Program areas at APCWS
Land Preservation:Through acquisitions and grants, the American Battlefield Trust completed 29 individual transactions, protecting a total of 1,254.6 acres at 21 battlefields in 11 states during the fiscal year. This includes Antietam, MD; Bentonville, NC; Buffington Island, OH; Cedar Mountain, VA; Champion Hill, MS; Chancellorsville, VA; Chattanooga, TN; Chickasaw Bayou, MS; Corinth, MS; Cumberland Church, VA; Fort Derussy, LA; Fort Ticonderoga, NY; Gettysburg, PA; Globe Tavern, VA; Manassas, VA; Mill Springs, KY; Petersburg, VA; Shepherdstown, WV; Shiloh, TN; Spotsylvania CH, VA; and Wilderness, VA.
Education:This fiscal year, the Education Department hosted its 22nd Annual National Teacher Institute and third annual Virtual Teacher Institute. More than 1,200 educators from 40 states participated in these professional development experiences, offered free of charge. The Education Department expanded its many video offerings with more than 180 new videos including scores of new short animated videos, first of its kind step into History videos, new animated maps and more. Our Field Trip Fund and Traveling Trunk Programs came back from the pandemic and both were on the rise this fiscal year. Department staff and contractors also produced more than 300 new web articles and worked on new curricula, augmented and virtual reality programs, and more.
Membership:The American Battlefield Trust is a membership-based organization withapproximately 45,000 active members from all 50 states, and more than adozen territories and other nations. Each quarter, every memberreceives our 48-page magazine, Hallowed Ground, as a free educationalmembership benefit. The magazine highlights how their direct supporthelps preserve endangered Civil War and Revolutionary War battlefieldland, advances the cause of education about this key period in ourNation's history, and educates them directly on historical elements ofimportance about the Nation's first 100 years, and land preservation.The Trust depends upon its members and supporters to help fulfill itsbattlefield preservation and education missions every year throughtheir dues payments, as well as additional charitable gifts. The Trustalso has a major donor society, as a subset of its overall membership,called the Color Bearers, comprised of those members who make duespayments of $1,000 or more annually. Total membership in this group wasapproximately 1,500 members at the end of the fiscal year. The Trustalso recognizes those nearly 1,500 members who have also made a plannedgift to preservation in a special group called the Honor Guard.Further, the Trust enjoys the support of more than 461,000 followers onFacebook, 385,300 on YouTube, 48,500 on Twitter, 37,700 on Instagram,and 6,400 on LinkedIn, opening new pools of potential futuresupporters.