Program areas at CBCIL
Community services - assistance is provided to individuals with disabilities to connect with community-based Living opportunities, reduce institutionalization based on consumer choice, and empower individuals to make decisions regarding the direction of their lives. The choices are often contingent upon the availability of existing resources, services, and supports that can be identified to access and sustain community Living. Examples include, but are not limited to, personal assistance or respite within their home setting, education, community engagement, interaction with family and peers, and social activities. Cbcil staff provides access to information and referral to health and social services, affordable housing, obtaining food or financial assistance with rent, utility bills, medications, and transportation. Assistance is provided in Coastal Bend communities to help individuals and households, including those with low income, navigate the healthcare insurance marketplace and participate in community outreach events, one-on-one navigation, and enrollment services. Cbcil serves individuals with disabilities of all ages, all types of disabilities, and culturally diverse populations. Assistance is provided to identify and acquire durable medical equipment and assistive technology support, with may include hearing aids, prosthetics, lift recliners, and vehicle modifications, based on individual need to achieve or maintain Independent Living in the community setting of their choice.
Transportation - transportation assistance is provided to consumers in the urban and rural areas of the region. Affordable trips are coordinated by staff with local transportation providers for cbcil consumers for employment, medical appointments, church, education or training, and grocery shopping. With mobility management, individuals with disabilities and those over age 65 are assisted with access to other modes of travel to sustain instrumental activities of daily Living and to increase positive health-related outcomes as determined by the consumer.
Housing - assistance provided includes short-term subsidized rental assistance and deposits bridging the gap to obtaining affordable, accessible, subsidized housing. Staff counsel individuals on how to identify and apply for permanent subsidized housing opportunities in the region and make referrals to other community partners for volunteer home modifications.