Program areas at Cumberland County Coordinating Council on Older Adults
Nutrition services are intended to promote, maintain, and improve the health and wellbeing of Older Adults through the provision of a nutritionally balanced meal five or more days per week served in a strategically located congregate setting or delivered to the home; reduce the isolation experienced by many Older Adults through opportunities for social interaction by participation in the nutrition program; provide nutrition education and supportive service activities in order to enhance the Older adult'Adults's ability to remain independent; and enable impaired Older Adults to remain at home as long as possible and facilitate the discharge of Older Adults from hospitals and care providing facilities. During the year 692 clients were served with a total of 130,239 meals.
Home improvement services identify health and safety issues affecting the home or areas adjacent to the home in which an individual or family lives and provides needed improvements to resolve those issues. Health and safety issues include security enhancements; minor home repairs; mobility and accessibility improvements; and basic household furnishings and home appliance repair, replacement or purchase. During the year a total of 210 clients were served and 174 projects completed.
Inhome aide services are intended to assist individuals and their families with attaining and maintaining selfsufficiency, and improving quality of life. These services are aimed at preventing the deterioration of individuals' functional capacity, preventing abuse, neglect and/or exploitation and avoiding premature institutional care by assisting individuals in maintaining themselves in their own homes as long as possible. It is the intent of the inhome aide services program to assist, but not replace, family members in carrying out their responsibilities for those individuals needing care or support. During the year 105 clients were served with a total of 16,382 hours devoted to them.
Information & assistance is a service designed to link persons with resources available to meet their needs and/or interests. It is also intended to be a mechanism to collect information about unmet needs and specific needed services in the geographic area and to share it with appropriate planners and decision makers. During the year a total of 5,400 clients were served with a total of 10,800 calls. Community caregiving circle program supports Older Adults in their effort to maintain independence at home by enlisting and engaging community volunteers in providing support services to Older Adults and their primary caregivers in one or more of the following areas: social support, home management support, transportation support, and caregiver support. During the year a total of 836 clients were served with a total of 24,143 sessions. Senior's health insurance information program (shiip) provides unbiased counseling to medicare beneficiaries about medicare, medicare supplements, medicare advantage, medicare part d, and longterm care insurances. During the year a total of 715 clients were served with a total of 869 sessions.