Program areas at GSNETX
Troop programming is a volunteer-led program that provides traditional Girl scouting to girls ages five through seventeen. The activities focus on giving the girls opportunities to discover fun, friendship and the power of girls together. Girls develop qualities like courage, confidence and character and use those qualities to make the world a better place. Number of girls served: 14,467.
Outreach programming is a customized program delivered in collaboration with community organizations and schools to reach at-risk ages five through seventeen. The program is designed to teach the girls life skills that will positively impact their future. The activites focus on the importance of staying in school, avoiding harmful behaviors, learning skills, and building self-esteem. Number of girls served: 4,678.
Outdoor programming is a cornerstone in Girl scouting and teaches girls valuable life-lessons such as independence, teamwork, and an appreciation for the outdoors. Action oriented activities include nature study, camping, life-saving skills, equestrian training, sailing, canoeing, swimming and ropes challenging course through day camps, troop camping, family camping and summer camp sessions. Number of youth and adults served: 8,024.
Stem programming is focused on career exploration, leadership development and learning related to science, technology, engineering and math. Girls and youth are exposed to progressive learning opportunities in each of these areas. Number of youth served: 3,489.