Program areas at Ink People
The DreamMaker Program supports over 100 artist led initiatives throughout the North Coast region. Through this program, the Ink People offers administrative management, fundraising strategies, peer support, technical support, and other individualized support and mentorship to ensure that each DreamMaker succeeds. During the pandemic, we offered opportunities for artists to come together virtually to continue building community and offered support in meeting health protocols necessitated by the pandemic. As in person events and meetings have become more possible, we have also returned to offering in-person support at our administrative office. While many DreamMakers shifted to online programming during the pandemic, some have begun to return to live performances, workshops, and studio activities when possible.
Core programs have included a gallery (which had online exhibits during the pandemic), a weaving studio, a monthly newletter, a humanities library, and a busy administrative office which supports all of our programs.
Media Arts Resource Zone (MARZ) is a program for youth to develop media literacy, job skills, and artistic expression in a safe and supportive environment. During the pandemic, we continued to offer services to young people in one on one/by appointment teaching sessions, while also pivoting to teach a wide variety of media skills through online platforms. Many students were supported with lender computers in order to prevent isolation, and we continued to host an online digital media laboratory. As things have shifted and more in person offerings are possible, MARZ has opened back up to offering small group drop-in sessions in the MARZ studio in our main building.