Program areas at Habitat for Humanity - Waco
Homeownership program: families in need of a decent place to live build safe and affordable homes in partnership with us. Habitat houses are modestly sized. They are large enough for the homeowner family's needs, but small enough to keep construction and maintenance costs affordable. By using the labor of volunteers and prospective homeowners, employing efficient building methods, keeping house sizes modest, using donated construction materials and appliances, and issuing non-profit, zero-interest loans, whfh makes its houses affordable for low-income families to purchase. Affordable homeownership helps create the conditions that free families from instability, stress, and fear and encourage self-reliance and confidence. Studies show that strong and stable households are foundational to child development and growth. When a home fosters --- instead of hinders --- health and safety, families can flourish. Owning an affordable home also allows homeowners to lift up their entire family by saving for their futures and investing in educational opportunities, bolstering job opportunities and career growth. During fiscal year 2022-2023, whfh built and sold 3 new homes through its long-term homeownership program. Total homes built and sold over all years is 182. In addition, whfh contributed $37,750 to build 6 homes in el salvador and 2 homes in nicaragua.providing zero-interest mortgages to low-income families: whfh sells homes at cost through zero-interest mortgages making homeownership possible for very low-income families. As of june 20, 2023, whfh had 97 active mortgages.
Financial and homebuyer education programs: as part of the homeownership process, we believe financial education builds a more solid foundation for long-term personal success and helps alleviate any concerns or barriers on the path to homeownership. During these financial education classes, we cover topics such as budgeting; credit cards and credit reports; debt and loans; saving, investing and planning for the future; emergency situations; and Habitat homeowner mortgages. A more in-depth understanding of these important concepts is a tool that can be used to build a better future.
Critical home repair and wheelchair ramp program: whfh performs critical home repairs for low-income homeowners. In addition, whfh builds wheelchair ramps for low-income homeowners. In the period of july 2022 through june 2023, whfh completed 2 critical home repairs and 60 wheelchair ramps. Total repair and wheelchair ramp projects for all years is 502.