Sebastian organizations supporting a crime or legal aid nonprofit
There are 2organizations supporting a single crime or legal aid nonprofit in the greater Sebastianmetro area, including the cities of Sebastian and Vero Beach. Combined, these Sebastian metro organizations supporting a crime or legal aid nonprofitemploy 0 people, earn more than $140,992 in revenue each year, and have assets of $722,442.
Job trends for Sebastian organizations supporting a crime or legal aid nonprofit
Employees per organization | Number of organizations |
0 | 1 |
1-10 | 0 |
11-25 | 0 |
26-100 | 0 |
101 to 1,000 | 0 |
1,000+ | 0 |
Key takeaways for employment stats:
- Employment in Sebastian organizations supporting a crime or legal aid nonprofit is driven by large organizations like The Hundred Club of Indian River Countyand Vero Beach Police Foundation.
Sizes of organizations supporting a crime or legal aid nonprofit in Sebastian
Revenues per organization | Number of organizations |
< $250k | 2 |
$250k to $1M | 0 |
$1M to $5M | 0 |
$5M to $25M | 0 |
$25M to $100M | 0 |
$100M+ | 0 |
Key takeaways for revenue stats:
- Large organizations like The Hundred Club of Indian River Countyand Vero Beach Police Foundation earn the majority of revenues among nonprofits in Sebastian organizations supporting a crime or legal aid nonprofit.
- Organizations with less than $1 million in revenue account for 100.0% of combined nonprofit revenues, whereas organizations in Sebastian organizations supporting a crime or legal aid nonprofit with more than $100 million account for 0.0% of nonprofit earnings.
Directory of organizations supporting a crime or legal aid nonprofit in Sebastian
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1-2 of 2
The Hundred Club of Indian River County
IRS type
Vero Beach Police Foundation
IRS type