View an organization's financials, personnel, vendors, and more in one place
In this help article...All 1,800,000 organizations in Cause IQ have a unique profile. Cause IQ's organization profiles provide a detailed look at the organization's financials, personnel, vendors, funding information, and if reported, fundraising events, related entities, and more.
You can access an organization's profile from a number of different places; including, the table tool, a personnel's profile, and another organization's profile. The most common place to access an organization's profile is from the List view of Cause IQ's search interface.
The top of an organization's profile includes its name, EIN, Quick fields, financial summary, and more. The Quick fields (in the grey box) are customizable and let Cause IQ customers choose the most relevant quantitative and qualitative information they want displayed at the top of organization profiles. You select your Quick fields by clicking the "Settings" button at the top-right of the screen, and once you choose the Quick fields on one profile, they'll become the defaults for all.
The top of the profile includes a preselected financial summary showing the organization's Revenues, Expenses, Assets, and Liabilities. Cause IQ displays the most recent value, annual percent change, and a source breakdown for each of the financial values.
Here's a look at the top of an organization's profile page:
The top of the profile also includes a summary description of the organization; to see a comprehensive description, select "View full description", and a pop-up window shows a more detailed version.
You'll see the Cause IQ Types (blue), Issues (gold) , and Characteristics (green) the organization is associated at the top of the profile as well. You're able to click on the category pills to create a new search query with the selected field added as a search filter.
Below the category pills, you'll see the Your list members (pink) and Your search members (purple) tags. Cause IQ displays the names of the lists and the tagged saved searches that the specific organization belongs to. This helps you understand if you've ever come across the organization you're researching before. You can create lists of organizations manually, with the CSV upload tool, and by remembering your exports. You choose to save a search by clicking the Save button at the top of the search interface.
Many Cause IQ customers save searches for their target market segments (e.g., 501(c)(3), > $10M in total revenues, Washington DC, human and social services). This way customers know if an organization meets their target market when researching them in Cause IQ.
Also, Cause IQ customer save search segments containing organizations working with specific vendors, and name the searches appropriately, e.g., "PWC clients". That way they know if an organization is already working with a competitor or partner.
The Summary section on an organization's profile allows you to quickly gain insights on key quantitative and qualitative details for a specific organization.
The Key performance indicators (KPIs) section allows you to bring the most relevant quantitative fields front and center on an organization's profile. You can add most quantitative fields to this section by clicking the "Settings" button at the top-right of the screen and search for the fields you want to include as KPIs. You can also find the fields you want to add as KPIs by category; these sections mirror the ones in the "All filters" module of the search filter sidebar. The KPIs you choose become the defaults and appear on all Cause IQ organization profiles you visit.
The bottom of the Summary section includes more general details on the organization. You'll see geographic and descriptive information, including:
Here's a look at the Summary section:
The Program areas section on an organization's profile contains what the nonprofit self-reports as the most important areas of their mission -- ordered by the expenses incurred to carry out the programs/missions. An organization's program is a specific area of operation to accomplish the mission for the nonprofit. For example, the programs of cultural organizations (e.g., museums and theaters) include performances, exhibits, community outreach, etc. and the programs of associations include member activities, education, etc.
The Program areas section displays the program-related expenses and revenues for the specific programs listed.
The Program areassection on an organization's profile contains what the nonprofit self-reports as the most important areas of their mission -- ordered by the expenses incurred to carry out the programs/missions. An organization's program is a specific area of operation to accomplish the mission for the nonprofit. For example, the programs of cultural organizations (e.g., museums and theaters) include performances, exhibits, community outreach, etc. and the programs of associations include member activities, education, etc.
The Funding section on organization profiles takes a detailed look at the organization's funding sources and amounts. The section displays the most recent values, annual percent change, and source breakdown for the organization's funding sources, including: Grants and contributions, Program services, and Investments and other income.
For nonprofits disclosing fundraising event information on Schedule G of the 990, you'll see details on the fundraising event(s) the organization throws to raise money to help carry out its mission. Cause IQ provides the name of the specific fundraising event(s), breaks down the money the event brings in, and the costs required to throw the event. Note: The IRS requires nonprofits to report the top two grossing fundraising events that bring in more than $5,000 in gross receipts.
Here's a look at the top and Fundraising events sections of the Funding section on an organization's profile:
Cause IQ mines Schedule I of the Form 990 and the corresponding Form 990-PF part, which organizations use to disclose information on grants and other assistance they provide to domestic nonprofits, governments, and individuals. You can see the specific grants and grant characteristics that Cause IQ has identified an organization receiving right from their profile page.
Cause IQ provides the name of the grantmaking organization, the tax period the grant was made, a description of what the grant is for, and the amount of the grant. You can search for a specific grant, grantmaker, etc. in the "Search grants..." text box.
Here's a look at the Grants from foundations and other nonprofits section:
Cause IQ brings in information about federal grants and contracts received by organizations, including sub-awards, which is displayed within the Funding tab of organization profile pages. If an organization receives federal funding, a Federal funding details section at the bottom of the Funding tab will show a list of the largest funding agencies for currently-active awards, line graphs that illustrate changes in federal grants and contracts received over the past five years, and a detailed list of awards the organization has received since January 1, 2020.
The list of grants and contracts awarded includes the following columns of information:
Right above the list of awards, there is a search box that allows you to lookup specific keywords in the award descriptions, to help you narrow down on specific kinds of assistance. Within the list, you can click on descriptions (within the Descriptions column) to pull up additional details about each grant and contract awarded. This additional information includes award amount, type, key dates, place of performance, funding agency information, and CFDA program details. There is also a button you can click to check out the award's listing on the website.
Here's a look at an organization's Federal funding details section:
And, here's a screenshot showing the additional information available when you click on an award description in the Descriptions column:
For grantmaking organizations (e.g., foundations), you'll see a Grantmaking section on their profile. The Grantmaking section is where you can get an idea of the organization's grantmaking activity and its grant recipients.
At the top of the section, you'll see general details on the organization's grantmaking activity. Including:
Here's a look at an organization's grantmaking activity overview:
In the middle of the section, you'll see characteristics of the recipients that the organization gives to. Cause IQ lists the top recipient Types, Issues, Characteristics, States, Metros, and NTEEs and the number of grants made to each.
Here's a look at an organization's characteristics of grant recipients:
At the bottom of the Grantmaking section, you'll see an exhaustive list of the grants Cause IQ has identified the organization making and the grant recipients. You can also filter the grants that are listed by:
Here's a look at the bottom of the Grantmaking section on an organization's profile:
The Financials section on an organization's profile is where you can access all the available Form 990s (or 990-PFs, 990-EZs, 990-Ns) for a given organization, including the corresponding digitized financial information. Cause IQ has the five most recent tax returns available for most organizations on the website.
The Form 990s section includes the dates of the Fiscal year ending and Date Received by IRS for the corresponding Form 990 (or 990-PF, 990-EZ, 990-N). The Form column lists the type of tax return the organization submits to the IRS, and you can download the PDF version of a specific Form 990 by clicking the corresponding "PDF" link.
Here's a look at the Form 990s section on an organization's profile:
Cause IQ relies on the IRS for Form 990, 990-PF, 990-EZ, and 990-N information. There's often a delay between 12 to 18 months from the time the IRS receives an organization's tax return (Form 990) and them making it publically available. Cause IQ constantly updates the website with the most recent 990 information available.
You can view the available digitized financial information in the Financials section as well. The digitized information is broken down by:
Cause IQ lists the digitized financial details for the two most recent Form 990s (or 990-PFs, 990-EZs, 990-Ns) and provides a % Change metric for the individual fields (showing the percent increase or decrease for the fields from the previous year).
Here's a look at the digitized financial information on an organization's profile:
The Personnel section on an organization's profile is where you find all identified key personnel and board members working at the organization.
The information available in the Personnel section includes the individual's:
All personnel in Cause IQ are stamped with a Date of data date. This date represents the most recent date we received a piece of information on that person (e.g., website analysis, data partner).
To access an individual's unique personnel profile, simply click on their name. For our Salesforce integration users, you can create a Contact (or Lead) in your Salesforce by clicking the Salesforce icon in the Salesforce column.
You can search for specific personnel, job titles, etc. from the "Search key personnel..." search box and you can sort the personnel displayed by column header.
Here's a look at the Personnel section on an organization's website:
Here's a look at where you can see an organization's identified board members:
It's important to note that organizations often have more personnel than listed in the Personnel section. Cause IQ displays higher-level key personnel that have been identified working at the organization within the past three years. Cause IQ is constantly adding new people to the site.
The Vendors section on an organization's profile lists all vendors and service providers Cause IQ identifies an organization using. The information available within the Vendors section includes:
Here's a look at the top of the "Vendors" section on an organization's profile page:
If an organization pays one or more professional fundraising firms an excess of $5,000 for their services, the Vendors section includes a Professional fundraisers subsection. This section provides details on the fundraising activity(ies), including the event name, the gross/net amounts raised and the percent paid to the fundraising firm.
If an organization received an A-133 Single Audit (required for organization's receiving more than $750,000 in federal government contributions), the Vendors section has detailed information on the audit(s).
Here's a look at the Professional fundraisers and A-133 Single Audit information within the Vendors section of an organization's profile:
Cause IQ also provides details on the accounting firm that prepares the organization's tax return (i.e., Form 990) in the Vendors section of an organization's profile. You'll also see the technologies Cause IQ identifies the organization using. Within Software/technology tools, you see details on the social media an organization is engaging in, the CRM they are using, and any other identified technologies.
Here's a look at the tax preparer and identified technologies information on an organization's website:
Cause IQ mines Form 5500 information, which is used by organizations to disclose details on the employee benefit plans they offer. For organizations with identified Form 5500 disclosures, you'll see a Form 5500 employee benefit plan part within the Vendors section. From here, you can get an understanding of the benefit plans organizations offer, the entities the organizations use to put the benefit plans together, and the number of employees participating in the offered plans. Cause IQ displays the:
Here's a look of what's displayed in the Form 5500 information available within the Vendors section of an organization's profile:
The Related entities section on an organization's profile is where you find details on any other nonprofit, corporation, or partnership that has a legal relationship with the given organization.
This list includes companies or organizations controlled by the organization, parent or child organizations, and brother or sister organizations. Cause IQ lists the related entities':
If Cause IQ has identified the organization having disregarded entities, The Related entities section includes a Disregarded entities part. These disregarded entities tend to be LLCs or other organizations completely owned by the organization. The IRS treats these disregarded entities as part of the organization for tax purposes, even though they are separate legal entities. Here's a look at the Related entities section on an organization's profile:
You can easily download the qualitative and quantitative details of an organization in a PDF file and an Excel report. You can access both the PDF one-pager and Excel report right from the top of an organization's profile.
To download these files, click the download icon at the top-right of the screen, and choose the desired file.
The PDF one-pager summarizes descriptive and financial details on the organization. The PDF includes high-level organizational information including:
The organizational Excel report downloads all the information that appears on an organization's profile. The Excel file has separate worksheets for the corresponding sections in an organization's profile. Current available worksheets include:
Here's where you can access an organization's PDF one-pager and Excel report:
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