Published Dec. 13, 2024
Discover good-fit funders more easily with enhanced foundation search filtering
We're excited to introduce new foundation search features that make it easier to discover potential funding partners for your nonprofit. These updates help you refine your searches, target the right kinds of foundations, and connect with funders who align with your mission and funding needs.
Here's what's new:
Here's a screenshot showing the new "Family foundations" value (within the Foundation types filter) and the new Fuding focus filter, both located at the top of the foundations search:
Additionally, here's a look at the new Foundation size and Form 990-PF accepts unsolicited proposals filters within the Advanced search. To add them to your search, click the blue "See all filters" button at the top of the foundation search and either type the filter names in the upper-left search box or find them within the list of filters as shown here:
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