Program areas at 100 Fold Studio
General program: architectural services: the organization's primary program is training young architects by providing architectural services for local and global organizations including master planning, commercial, institutional, and residential architecture, and interior design to multiple organizational building projects worldwide. These projects included continued work for vida joven in haiti; the university of the nations - noepe, togo; engineer coordination for the boys & girls club of glacier country in columbia falls, mt; master planning for faith covenant church in kalispell, mt; and construction documents and administration for the renovation of 100 Fold's new live/work facility. Additionally, we provided in-country, on-the-job training for indigenous architects in southeast and central asia.
Summer Studio: the organization's 2023 summer Studio was a seven week initiative equipping 14 young professionals and students in leadership, service, and design held in nepal. Speakers from around the country shared their expertise on design, business, and global service. Lectures, small groups, and one-on-one mentoring focused on faith and vocation. The Studio performed community service by master planning and designing a new gathering venue, restoring a recreation field, and painting a classroom mural for an early education center. Each participant had the potential to earn 150 intern development program towards the national council of architectural registration boards' requirements.
Architectural and vocational internships: the organization provided vocational training opportunities and community service through individual funding and grants with the murdock trust's vision + call program. Vocational training included architecture, nonprofit administration, graphic design and videography. Architectural training is recognized by the national council of architectural registration boards.
All other programs including: international outreach, winter Studio, events-us (laity lodge/career fairs), the landing, and lakeside Studio llc.