Program areas at 1mission
In 2023, 1mission built 45 houses for families in extreme poverty in mexico. These homes provided safe and secure shelter for 154 people. In keeping with our moto that this is about more than a house, the house recipient families collectively contributed over 20,800 community service hours to earn their homes, making a significant impact in their communities. A significant percentage of the hours are spent on personal development and relationship building with their neighbors. The safety, security, and peace provided by adequate shelter are fundamental for a healthy life. The homes serve as an essential foundation upon which more comprehensive, humane, and sustainable community development programs are built. The house recipients are provided with a 'starter home' that offers the family (see schedule o) an asset (equity) they didn't previously have. As part of the 1mission housing program, applicants are required to serve community service hours by participating in community development programs. These programs are offered to all members of the community and include personal development programs as well. These programs include a community kitchen serving approximately 52,000 meals per year to vulnerable children, a read to grow program focused on literacy and assisting children to reach grade level in reading and writing, community gardens where people can learn to create a healthy, sustainable food source, entrepreneurship classes teaching product development, budgeting, marketing and sales, skill development classes focused on carpentry, sewing and marketable handcrafts, school garden projects in local schools teaching gardening to elementary school students, and a tree nursery where shade trees are grown and transplanted throughout the communities.
1mission houses are built by local community members working together with volunteers from all over the world. This partnership is critical for fostering dignity and ownership among the home recipients. In 2023, over 2,041 people from churches, businesses, schools, and other groups traveled to mexico to help build houses alongside local residents. The opportunity to serve alongside people who live in extreme poverty is a life-changing experience for many volunteers experiencing extreme poverty for the first time. Volunteers learn about poverty alleviation through community development and building supportive relationships between neighbors, and how these relationships are fundamental to alleviate poverty both abroad and at home.