Program areas at 25 Project
Child Sponsorship Ministry: Our sponsorship ministry is designed to personally engage sponsors with children and youth whom we minister to on a continual basis. We currently have sponsorship available in Sierra Leone, the Dominican Republic, South Asia, and South Africa. Through sponsorship, the children in our care receive regular nutritious meals, the opportunity for education and tutoring, basic medical care, and most importantly each child continually hears the Gospel and has the opportunity to know Christ through a personal relationship. Our hope is that through tangible needs being addressed and met, the Gospel is put on display for children, their families, and the communities we serve.
Melissa Community Outreach: Through the Melissa Community Outreach (MCO), we seek to meet the communities' physical needs through the food pantry ministry. Through family events, education classes, and a youth program, we also hope to help the community thrive as we share the hope found through a relationship with Jesus.
Mission Trips: We lead teams throughout the year to serve on mission in each of our ministry locations. We currently send short-term teams to the Dominican Republic, South Asia, South Africa, and Sierra Leone. Our teams serve a strategic and long-term purpose that focuses on the ongoing work already established in each ministry location. Our teams assist in the discipleship process with the children we serve, as well as provide opportunities for children who may not have a relationship with Christ to be introduced to Him.