Cause IQ organization data

Emergency and Relief Services Nonprofits

Cause IQ has information on 8,329 emergency and relief services nonprofits. These organizations typically have revenues from $66,535 to $789,669, between 0 and 7 employees, and are 501(c)(3)s. Emergency and relief services nonprofits in Cause IQ can also be civic and social organizations, religious organizations, and grantmaking foundations.

Most popular emergency and relief services nonprofits

Direct Relief501(c)(3)Santa Barbara, CA$2.3 billion
AmeriCares Foundation501(c)(3)Stamford, CT$1.5 billion
Cooperative for Assistance and Relief EVERYWHERE501(c)(3)Atlanta, GA$909 million
United States Fund for Unicef501(c)(3)New York, NY$829 million
Plan International501(c)(3)New York, NY$755 million
Mercy Corps501(c)(3)Portland, OR$521 million
One Acre Fund501(c)(3)Highland Park, IL$246 million
Action Against Hunger USA501(c)(3)New York, NY$201 million
Mercy Ships501(c)(3)Lindale, TX$155 million
Global Impact501(c)(3)Alexandria, VA$145 million
Children International501(c)(3)Kansas City, MO$116 million
Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA)501(c)(3)Silver Spring, MD$96 million
Alight (ARC)501(c)(3)Minneapolis, MN$61 million
United Mission For Relief & Development (UMR)501(c)(3)Washington, DC$57 million
Christian Relief Services501(c)(3)Alexandria, VA$46 million
UNICEF USA Impact Fund for Children501(c)(3)New York, NY$36 million
Women for Women International501(c)(3)Washington, DC$23 million
Salvation Army World Service Office (SAWSO)501(c)(3)Alexandria, VA$21 million
World Hope International501(c)(3)Alexandria, VA$21 million
Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS)501(c)(3)Arlington, VA$18 million
Partners for Development (PFD)501(c)(3)Silver Spring, MD$2.3 million
Thrive Networks Global501(c)(3)San Francisco, CA$1.8 million
International Relief and Development (IRD)501(c)(3)Arlington, VA$121,871
American Near East Refugee Aid (ANERA)501(c)(3)Washington, DC$173 million
Islamic Relief USA501(c)(3)Alexandria, VA$165 million
Children's Hunger Fund501(c)(3)Sylmar, CA$134 million
United Nations Foundation501(c)(3)Washington, DC$113 million
Lutheran World Relief501(c)(3)Baltimore, MD$61 million
Episcopal Relief and Development501(c)(3)New York, NY$22 million
American National Red Cross (ANRC)501(c)(3)Washington, DC$3.2 billion
International Rescue Committee (IRC)501(c)(3)New York, NY$1.3 billion
Save the Children Federation501(c)(3)Fairfield, CT$919 million
Doctors without Borders USA501(c)(3)New York, NY$767 million
International Medical Corps (IMC)501(c)(3)Los Angeles, CA$220 million
Project Hope Health Affairs501(c)(3)Washington, DC$182 million
Oxfam-America501(c)(3)Boston, MA$83 million
Relief International501(c)(3)Washington, DC$72 million
ICNA Relief USA Programs501(c)(3)New Hyde Park, NY$46 million
Hyundai Hope on Wheels501(c)(3)Fountain Valley, CA$27 million
Union Gospel Mission of Tarrant County (UGM-TC)501(c)(3)Fort Worth, TX$21 million
Kehe Cares Foundation501(c)(3)Naperville, IL$10 million
One Dream at a Time501(c)(3)Seattle, WA$5.0 million
American Friends of Magen David Adom501(c)(3)New York, NY$288 million
World Central Kitchen501(c)(3)Washington, DC$241 million
Pure Hands501(c)(3)Plano, TX$184 million
Global Communities501(c)(3)Silver Spring, MD$181 million
Food For The Hungry501(c)(3)Phoenix, AZ$163 million
World Relief Corp of National Association of Evangelicals501(c)(3)Baltimore, MD$163 million
Global Empowerment Mission501(c)(3)Doral, FL$162 million
GiveDirectly501(c)(3)New York, NY$140 million
The Home Depot Foundation and Homer Fund501(c)(3)Atlanta, GA$122 million
Helping Hand for Relief & Development (HHRD)501(c)(3)Southfield, MI$94 million
Palestine Childrens Relief Fund (PCRF)501(c)(3)Burbank, CA$92 million
Concern Worldwide US501(c)(3)New York, NY$83 million
Good Neighbors Global Partnership Center501(c)(3)Tustin, CA$75 million
True Sojourners501(c)(3)Wheaton, IL$68 million
Project Cure / Benevolent Healthcare Foundation501(c)(3)Centennial, CO$65 million
Blumont Global Development501(c)(3)Arlington, VA$59 million
Counterpart International501(c)(3)Washington, DC$51 million
E4e Relief LLC501(c)(3)Charlotte, NC$50 million
Emergency Assistance Foundation501(c)(3)West Palm Beach, FL$46 million
Follow Your Dream Foundation501(c)(3)New York, NY$45 million
Humanity and Inclusion501(c)(3)Silver Spring, MD$44 million
Opportunity International501(c)(3)Chicago, IL$40 million
Team Rubicon USA (TR)501(c)(3)Los Angeles, CA$40 million
International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC)501(c)(3)Baltimore, MD$39 million
Mercury One501(c)(3)Irving, TX$35 million
Global Christian Relief (GCR)501(c)(3)Santa Ana, CA$33 million
Core Community Organized Relief Effort (J/P HRO)501(c)(3)Los Angeles, CA$31 million
Nova Ukraine501(c)(3)Stanford, CA$31 million
Center for Disaster Philanthropy (CDP)501(c)(3)Washington, DC$30 million
Giving Children Hope (GCHope)501(c)(3)Buena Park, CA$29 million
Bait Alkhair501(c)(3)Arlington, TX$28 million
Immap Incorporated501(c)(3)Washington, DC$27 million
Army Emergency Relief501(c)(3)Arlington, VA$26 million
Tzur Foundation501(c)(3)Lakewood, NJ$26 million
Muslim Aid USA501(c)(3)Mclean, VA$26 million
Volunteers for Interamerican Development Assistance (VIDA)501(c)(3)Berkeley, CA$24 million
Thousand Currents (IDEX)501(c)(3)San Francisco, CA$23 million
Israaid Us Global Humanitarian Assistance501(c)(3)Beverly Hills, CA$22 million
United Help Ukraine501(c)(3)Fairfax, VA$18 million
Yemen Aid501(c)(3)Yonkers, NY$18 million
Doctors of the World USA501(c)(3)New York, NY$18 million
All Hands and Hearts501(c)(3)Mattapoisett, MA$16 million
Blumont International501(c)(3)Arlington, VA$16 million
Healey International Relief Foundation501(c)(3)Lumberton, NJ$15 million
Global Whole Being Fund501(c)(3)Alameda, CA$15 million
Airlink501(c)(3)Washington, DC$15 million
District Council of Madison SOCIETY of ST VINCENT DE PAUL501(c)(3)Madison, WI$13 million
Alima Usa501(c)(3)New York, NY$13 million
RefugePoint501(c)(3)Boston, MA$13 million
Financial Services Volunteer Corps501(c)(3)New York, NY$11 million
Nascent Solutions501(c)(3)Alexandria, VA$11 million
Children's Food Fund and Native American Emergency Relief (WER)501(c)(3)San Dimas, CA$10 million
Penny Appeal USA501(c)(3)Alexandria, VA$10 million
Human Appeal501(c)(3)Mission Viejo, CA$10 million
New York Disaster Interfaith Services (NYDIS)501(c)(3)New York, NY$10 million
Disaster Services Corporation-Society of St Vincent De Paul USA501(c)(3)Irving, TX$9.8 million
Rescue International501(c)(3)Dana Point, CA$9.6 million
Herbalife Family Foundation (HFF)501(c)(3)Los Angeles, CA$9.6 million
Africa Relief And Community Development501(c)(3)Clifton, NJ$9.3 million
The Backstoppers501(c)(3)Saint Louis, MO$8.7 million
Good Neighbors USA501(c)(3)Tustin, CA$8.6 million
Focus Humanitarian Assistance USA501(c)(3)Sugar Land, TX$8.6 million
Fund for Armenian Relief (FAR)501(c)(3)New York, NY$8.5 million
Bayis Lepleitos - Ateres Bonos501(c)(3)Brooklyn, NY$8.0 million
Northern Virginia Emergency Response System (NVERS)501(c)(3)Fairfax, VA$7.8 million
United Ukrainian American Relief Committee501(c)(3)Philadelphia, PA$7.6 million
Sewa International501(c)(3)Houston, TX$7.5 million
ZOE International (ZOE)501(c)(3)Santa Clarita, CA$7.3 million
Sudan Relief Fund (SRF)501(c)(3)Washington, DC$6.9 million
Order of Malta Worldwide Relief Malteser International Americas501(c)(3)New York, NY$6.5 million
Norwegian Refugee Council USA501(c)(3)Washington, DC$6.4 million
Helps International501(c)(3)Addison, TX$6.4 million
Kickstart International501(c)(3)San Francisco, CA$6.2 million
Trickle Up Program501(c)(3)New York, NY$6.2 million
Orphans In Need USA501(c)(3)Dublin, CA$6.1 million
Trusted World Foundation501(c)(3)Garland, TX$6.0 million
Frontier Alliance International501(c)(3)Wheaton, IL$5.7 million
Splash International501(c)(3)Seattle, WA$5.6 million
Compass 82 (OCLTRG)501(c)(3)Whiting, NJ$5.6 million
Humanity First USA501(c)(3)Silver Spring, MD$5.6 million
Embrace Relief501(c)(3)Fairfield, NJ$5.5 million
Goodness Project501(c)(3)Haslet, TX$5.5 million
Nuru International501(c)(3)Washington, DC$5.5 million
Dri International501(c)(6)New York, NY$5.1 million
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)501(c)(3)Switzerland, $2.8 billion
Heart to Heart International501(c)(3)Lenexa, KS$410 million
Edesia501(c)(3)North Kingstown, RI$185 million
Delivering Good501(c)(3)New York, NY$149 million
Christian Aid Ministries501(c)(3)Berlin, OH$147 million
Lesea Global Feed the Hungry501(c)(3)South Bend, IN$82 million
Operation Blessing International Relief and Development Corporation501(c)(3)Virginia Beach, VA$76 million
Volunteer Florida Foundation501(c)(3)Tallahassee, FL$64 million
Plan International USA501(c)(3)Providence, RI$55 million
Orphan Grain Train (OGT)501(c)(3)Norfolk, NE$48 million
Knox Area Rescue Ministries (KARM)501(c)(3)Knoxville, TN$46 million
The St Bernard Project (SBP)501(c)(3)New Orleans, LA$35 million
So What Else501(c)(3)Bethesda, MD$33 million
Human Concern International501(c)(3)Canada, $28 million
American Friends of Leket Israel501(c)(3)Teaneck, NJ$27 million
Lao Family Community Development (LFCD)501(c)(3)Oakland, CA$23 million
Crossroads Community Services501(c)(3)Dallas, TX$22 million
Mission Without Borders International501(c)(3)Camarillo, CA$19 million
Cuso International501(c)(3)Canada, $18 million
Fry Plumbing and Heating Non Profit501(c)(3)Washington, DC$14 million
Jewish Family & Childrens Services of the East Bay (JFCS)501(c)(3)Berkeley, CA$13 million
West Side Campaign Against Hunger (WSCCL)501(c)(3)New York, NY$12 million
The Afya Foundation of America501(c)(3)Yonkers, NY$11 million
Churches of Christ Disaster Relief Effort501(c)(3)Nashville, TN$10 million

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