Program areas at A Philip Randolph Educational Fund
Civic Engagement Grants Our Vote is our Voice. APREF and it's sister organization APRI has grown one of the most impressive civic engagement programs in the nation that is uniquely positioned to reach people where they live and work. Via this network millions of voters across the nation have been educated and turned out for support of initiatives, working in virtually every city with a sizable black population. By encouraging civic engagement on the part of black voters, APREF advances issues that are important to labor, working families, and the communities we serve. Organizing, educating and mobilizing grassroots operations around Voter Registration and Voter Turnout, along with the fight against Voter Suppression are the vehicles driving the goals of APREF's mission.Funding for APEF's civic engagement program at the national level is almost totally for direct civic engagement in the field across selected target states and communities. Specifically, in 2021-2022 these activities included:1. Convening virtual events, webinars, and in-depth training sessions during regional and local chapter events to equip members with the tools they need to build capacity for participating in 2021-2022 GOTV efforts.2. Providing ongoing trainings for APRI chapters' program volunteers and staff; producing and disseminating collateral items (t-shirts, fliers, posters, masks, etc.)
HEALTH CARE LITERACY AND ACCESSFor more than 12 years, APREF's organizational focus has been on highlighting health care disparities in the minority communities with particular focus on African Americans. One of the most glaring and despairing issues faced by many minorities, in particular African Americans, has been race-based disparities in health and healthcare services. APREF seeks to eliminate racial disparities in healthcare by advocating for policies and legislation which support equal access to healthcare services for all Americans, and by providing education on access to health insurance. To address these disparities, and to provide a forum to mobilize our communities around healthcare issues, APREF's sister organization, APRI, features a Healthcare Symposium during its annual National Education Conference. This symposium features special forums on solutions for addressing health needs, along with training tracks on Obesity, Heart Disease and Diabetes in a format which encourages taking a pro-active approach to improving health concerns. When possible, the Conference presents health screening and exhibits covering all aspects of health from: HIV/AIDs Screening & Counseling, Diabetes, Glaucoma, BMI, blood pressure and cardiovascular screenings, and mental health. APREF believes that the right to affordable and accessible healthcare is tantamount to the civil, economic and social rights afforded to all Americans, and therefore remains a vital part of the conversation in our civic engagement work.
Racial JusticeAt the onset of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, APREF's focus was to amplify the systemic racism that exposed disparities in communities of color which were already adversely impacted by food deserts, financial deserts, inadequate healthcare services, and crippled transportation systems. Insufficient access to and affordability of broadband/internet services expanded the racial divide, and stifled the ability for our communities to work and learn in a virtual/remote environment. Disproportionate distribution of survival tools and information, such as PPE, food and water, and transportation services to vaccination locations made it impossible for families to receive the care they needed and were left severely devastated by the effects of the pandemic.The APREF addressed these issues by boosting its 2020 GOTV efforts to incorporate the distribution of masks, food and water, along with their voter education and voter registration activities. In addition, APRI members were provided with tablets to help the community to complete their Census forms, to sign up for COVID-19 vaccinations, and to locate healthcare and other needed services. Our GOTV effort was totally focused on voter education and the power of the vote as the most effective means to close the racial divide.