Program areas at Academy for Competent Youth Work
Contracted Training, Consultation, Technical Assistance, and Curriculum Development Services Created a Virtual edition of the Families Thrive Training for Trainers Curriculum. Pilot tested the curriculum (12 people impacted). Created a virtual edition of the Child and Youth Care: Foundations course for the New York Administration of Children and Families. Pilot tested the curriculum, trained 3 trainers, and provided technical assistance (15 people impacted). Trained the virtual Families Thrive Training for Trainers curriculum for staff of the Texas System of Care (40 people impacted). Facilitated 2 virtual trainings. Provided technical assistance, consultation and mentoring to staff of the Texas Network of Youth Services (25 people impacted).
Product Sales Development, printing, and distribution of training and course materials including Families and Youth Thrive courses, CYC: Foundations course, CYC Certification Preparation manuals; development, mounting, and dissemination of on-line training modules and webinars (over 250 people impacted).
Contracted Office Support Services. CYC Certification Board - processing of CYC Certification applications and renewals; conducting testing, phone and email communication, conducting informational webinars, managing testing services, billing for services, bookkeeping and printing/distribution of certification materials (up to 3000 people impacted). Association for Child and Youth Care Practice - general membership services, electronic marketing of events, services and conducting training webinars, phone and email communications (up to 1000+ people impacted). Youth in Focus - conducting webinars, financial management and bookkeeping services, electronic marketing, phone and email communication (over 150 people impacted).
Other Program Services (Certification Processing Fees, Banking, Payroll Protection Program, Marketing Income, Insurance)