Program areas at Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education
The acgme accredits sponsoring institutions and residency and fellowship programs, confers recognition on additional program formats or components, and dedicates resources to initiatives addressing areas of import in Graduate Medical Education. This function includes setting and monitoring the professional Education standards essential for preparing physicians to deliver safe, high-quality care to all americans. Requirements are set, and compliance with those requirements is assessed, by 29 specialty-specific review committees made up of volunteer physician experts in the field, including residents/fellows, as well as public representatives.accreditation review occurs annually and includes consideration of several critical elements for every institution and program, including annual data updates (maintained through the acgme's Accreditation data system) of statistical and narrative information, annual surveys of both residents/fellows and faculty members, and resident/fellow case logs. Periodic local site visits are conducted at different intervals, depending on Accreditation status, by acgme field representatives. The applicable acgme review committee reviews all of this and other information, including progress reports if necessary, to determine an institution's or program's compliance with the applicable institutional, common, and/or specialty-specific program requirements to make a determination of Accreditation status.
The acgme does not provide consulting services in the united states. Outside the u.s., acgme global services offers customized advisory services to help governments and institutions optimize their postgraduate Medical Education (pgme) to deliver better health outcomes and safety to their populations. Clients may include ministries of health or equivalent governmental organizations, regional organizations involved with health professional Education, and hospitals or hospital groups interested in starting pgme programs.the acgme assists its global clients develop pgme standards and systems to evaluate and accredit programs and their sponsoring institutions against these standards which are consistent with international best practices. It also provides infrastructure support to national and regional pgme Accreditation organizations, including data collection, management, and analysis, provides training programs for standards developers, program evaluators and accreditors, site visitors, and pgme faculty members, assist potential training centers prepare to host pgme programs, and conducts seminars on the latest developments in pgme.
The acgme holds an annual educational conference for the Graduate Medical Education (gme) community. The conference provides the unique opportunity for members of the broad gme community to gain knowledge, exchange ideas, and network. Attendees include designated institutional officials, program directors, institutional and program coordinators, faculty members, other specialists and administrators, residents and fellows, and representation from both the allopathic and osteopathic Medical communities, as well as international gme. The three-and-a-half day conference features over 150 pre-conference courses/workshops, conference sessions, keynote speakers, and exhibitors. The acgme also sponsors and hosts numerous other educational programs and workshops throughout the year on a broad range of topics customized to the needs of the gme community at-large.