Program areas at ACHIEVE Human Services
Federal contract program Services: under the abilityone program, the organization contracts with the federal government that affords the employment of individuals with significant disabilities, inclusive of wounded warriors. The organization provides janitorial, grounds and inventory management Services for the customs and border protection (border patrol) and the yuma proving ground (ypg). Over 75% of individuals employed on these contracts are individuals with significant disabilities. The long-term goal is to prepare individuals for employment opportunities in a community integrated setting leading to self-sufficiency and independence.
Employment Services: the organization currently contracts with the state of Arizona department of economic security; division for developmental disabilities and rehabilitation Services administration in providing employment Services for individuals with a disability. These include a variety of Services such as group supported employment, individual supported employment, work adjustment training, job development and placement, supported employment, adult day training and transportation. Most of these Services pay the individual for on-the-job training while other Services focus on independent living skill development. The long-term goal of employment Services is to prepare and train these individuals to obtain and maintain community integrated employment; build self-sufficiency and independence.
Housing Services: the organization, through its contract with the Arizona department of housing and Arizona complete healthcare (azch) the regional behavioral health authority (rbha), provides housing to more than 180 individuals in the yuma and la paz communities. The housing department provides strength focused Services to adults who have a serious mental illness and their families. The long-term goal of housing Services is to provide a safe, clean, and affordable home while becoming more independent and self sufficient through potential employment training and opportunities. All housing clients are provided case management Services that promotes their independence and self-sufficiency.
The organization leases out facilities to other non-profit organizations with similar tax-exempt purposes. Further, the organization is the 100% owner of the hotel san carlos limited partnership (hotel). The hotel was formed in the late 1990's to acquire, develop, own, and operate a 60-unit multi-family apartment complex in yuma, Arizona. The affordable housing provided by the hotel also furthers the mission and tax-exempt purpose of the organization.