Program areas at Acoustical Society of America
Meetings: the asa holds 2 meetings each year attracting between 1,000 and 2000 attendees at each. Meetings include 800 to 1,300 individual technical presentations, technical committee meetings, standards committee meetings, and networking events.student award competitions are conducted at these meetings including awards for best paper and poster presentations. Travel support is provided for student transportation to attend meetings. Asa also provides activities and support to encourage attendance by early-career acousticians and women acousticians such as early-career retreats, fellowship and grant panels, women young investigator grants and dependent care grants. Social events include a reception for all attendees, a students reception and a women in acoustics luncheon.
Outreach activities:the Acoustical Society of America's (asa) outreach encompasses activities aimed at k-12 students and teachers, the general public, the press, acousticians in different stages of their careers, other Acoustical societies, and organizations in scientific disciplines other than acoustics. Outreach events are held at meetings of asa meetings of other scientific organizations. Asa also cosponsors symposiums, workshops, and conferences organized by of other organizations both in the us and abroad. Other outreach information is provided via asa websites including,,, and to science reporters is provided via press conferences broadcast live over the internet. Reporters can participate in these press conferences and interact with the presenters. Prior to the meeting press releases and lay versions of presentations are made available on the asa website, sponsors biennial science communication awards for professionals in acoustics and for journalists which are intended to recognize excellence in the presentation of acoustics related topics to a popular audience. Cash prizes and travel support to an asa meeting are provided to winning entries.asa authorizes the formation of regional and student chapters which provide outreach to acousticians across the united states. These groups hold periodic meetings for acoustics students and professionals and demonstration sessions for k-12 students. Asa provides annual financial support for chapter activities.asa provides a program of fellowships, scholarships, awards and grants for students and post-doctoral researchers working in the field of acoustics. These include the frederick v. hunt postdoctoral research fellowship in acoustics, the leo and gabriella beranek scholarship in architectural acoustics and noise control, raymond h. stetson scholarship in phonetics and speech science, the frank and Virginia winker memorial scholarship for graduate study in acoustics, the robert w. young award for undergraduate student research in acoustics, the Acoustical oceanography travel award, the robert b. newman medal, the wenger prize, and the royster award. These awards include stipends of various amounts, and some include travel support to attend asa meetings. Since 1993 asa has provided the james e. west fellowship to a student in the us who is a member of one of the following underrepresented groups in science: african american, hispanic american, or native american. The grant provides an annual stipend, plus travel support to attend an asa meeting.
Publishing:the asa publishes (a) the journal of the Acoustical Society of America in print and online formats: circulation 5,800 members and approximately 800 institutions worldwide; (b) jasa express letters an open access publication that can be accessed by anyone with a connection to the internet; (c) proceedings of meetings on acoustics, an open access publication and can be accessed by anyone with a connection to the internet; (d) acoustics today magazine in print and online in open access format. Circulation 5,800 members and approximately 800 institutions worldwide; (e) standards on acoustics available for online purchase and download. (f) online archival publications including echoes, acoustics research letters online, noise its uses and control magazine, and sound magazine.
Other programs include:- standards- the foundation fund- books- acoustics today