Program areas at ACTS
Human services - acts supported 8,287 households with food assistance distributing 552,791 pounds of food to individuals and families in need. The pantry is related services are crucial in alleviating hunger and food insecurity amoung vulnerable polulations and contributes significantly to the acts' mission of providing relief and support. Acts also assisted 615 households and families with 335 first-time aid recipients. Acts paid utilities bills amounting to $207,494 to help familiies maintain essential services during times of crisis. The program aligns with acts' exempt purposes of heling those facing financial hardship and emergencies. Temporary housing services were provided to 203 individuals and 112 households with 63 households successfully transiting to permanent housing. House services highlights acts' effort in promoting self-sufficiency and long-term stability for individuals esperiencing homelessness or housing insecurity.
Thrift store - cts supported 8,287 households with food assistance distributing 552,791 pounds of food to individuals and families in need. The pantry is related services are crucial in alleviating hunger and food insecurity amoung vulnerable polulations and contributes significantly to the acts' mission of providing relief and support. Volunteers played a crucial role in acts' operations with 1,002 individual volunteers and 47 volunteer groups contributing 21,610 Service hours. The cost savings from volunteer efforts amounted to $647,212 showcasing the significnat impact of volunteerism and were crucial to acts in delivering essential services to support the local Community.
Trauma services - acts' domestic violence and sexual assault servicdes made a profound impact on the local Community serving 3,742 clients and reaching out to 2,208 Community members. Acts accompanied 1,234 clients to court proceedings and provided emergency shelter to 116 household affected by domestic violence. Similarly, the sexual assault services assisted 684 survivors, managed 97 calls Through the crisis helpline, and supported individuals affected by human trafficking. These programs demonstrate acts' commitment to supporting assault survivors and addressing issues of violence within the Community. The crisis helpline provided immediately support and intervention to distressed individuals. Acts successfully answered 6,964 crisis calls demonstrating a proactive approach to addressing mental health, domestic violence, and other urgent issues. Additionally, the senior link calls helped connect vulnerable seniors in the Community with necessary resources and assistance. Acts also assisted 615 households and families with 335 first-time aid recipients. Acts paid utilities bills amounting to $207,494 to help familiies maintain essential services during times of crisis. The program aligns with acts' exempt purposes of heling those facing financial hardship and emergencies.