Program areas at Acton Academy Oshkosh
Spark studio, ages 4-7 (pk-1st grade): the spark studio is an authentic montessori environment of whole child development: cognitive, physical, emotional, and social. The spark studio also builds foundations of reading, math, goal setting, and independent learning skills that prepare young people to soar in their next discovery studio. Student accomplishments are measured by public exhibitions, portfolios, and mastery of badge requirements. The studio operates on a year-round school schedule with seven academic sessions.
Discovery studio, ages 7-11 (2nd-5th grade): the discovery studio builds a foundation of learning and discovery through personalized core skills, exploratory quest projects, and play. Core skills reading, writing, math, and computer science are self-paced and mastery-based using adaptive technology. Students explore the arts, sciences, history, and natural world through hands-on projects called quests each day. Student accomplishments are measured by public exhibitions, portfolios, 360 feedback evaluations, and mastery of badge requirements of online academic programs that test national common core standards. The studio operates on a year round school schedule with seven academic sessions.