Program areas at Acton Chinese Language School
Chinese Language Classes & Chinese As Second Language Courses: The Company serviced 281 students in 22 Chinese Language Classes. These classes served students from 5 years old to the 9th grade in the middle school. The Company also provides eight levels of Chinese Language classes for Chinese as the Second Language students. A total of 25 students attended these classes. Additionally, the Company provides Chinese AP review class to high school students during the fall and the spring semesters. 23 students attended these review courses.
Acton Chinese Language School Culture Program: The Company offers 22 culture classes to the public in area of arts, fitness, academic, and music instrument, and chess. In FY2023, the Company offered19 programs such as badminton, AMC 8, classic adult folk dance, children dance, international chess, fencing for children, Chinese brush painting, Acrylic painting, creative pencil drawing and sketching, pipa, ping pong, language art, broadcasting trainingm Tai Chi, program with Python, making game with Python, coding interactive, games with scrath, restorative yoga. These programs served 161 individuals in FY2023. Additionally, the Company offered six clubs including adults chorus club, badminton club, ballroom dance club, senior club, volleyball club, basketball club, and chess & card game club in FY2023.