Program areas at Aesthetic Realism Foundation
Aesthetic Realism courses and classes: Aesthetic Realism classes and semester courses, including poetry, anthropology, marriage, music, the visual arts, history, education, and current events. In each class students see how the subject, in all its richness, is a making one of the opposites that are present in all art and reality, and that people are trying to put together in themselves. Total attendance: 1,916
Outreach program: the Foundation's outreach program includes workshops for seniors in both english and spanish and for children at schools and youth centers; dramatic and musical performances by the Aesthetic Realism theatre company; talks on subjects from anthropology to jazz, education to architecture and the arts; anti-prejudice and anti-bullying workshops for people of all ages. Total attendance: 721
Presentations: public seminars and dramatic and musical presentations, all based on the principles of Aesthetic Realism. Seminars include such subjects as love, anger, ambition, parenting; groundbreaking talks by artists and scholars on this new way of seeing the arts, people, and reality itself. The Aesthetic Realism theatre company offers pioneering musical and dramatic productions, from shakespeare to rock 'n' roll, with performance and comment. Due to the covid-19 pandemic, in-person public events were temporarily suspended in march 2020. They will resume when it is safe to do so.
The right of Aesthetic Realism to be known. [educational periodical]: biweekly international periodical of the Aesthetic Realism Foundation, published since 1973. It presents essays, poems, and lectures by eli siegel and articles by Aesthetic Realism teachers and associates. In every issue there is an editorial commentary by ellen reiss, chair of education. Total circulation: 114,351
Terrain gallery: exhibitions of contemporary paintings, drawings, prints, and photography based on the Aesthetic Realism principle: "all beauty is a making one of opposites, and the making one of opposites is what we are going after in ourselves." Total attendance: 383
Aesthetic Realism consultations: men and women study the principles of Aesthetic Realism which show the relation of their individual life questions to the arts and the world they are in, making for greater kindness and self-respect. Expenses include salaries of consultants, partial salary of a coordinator, recording equipment, maintenance and office supplies. Total attendance: 134.