Program areas at African Heritage
New BoostAddresses the labor shortage crisis by providing comprehensive workforce development services to hidden talent populations in the Bay Area region, with particular emphasis on Blacks/African Americans and Latines/Hispanics in the Greater Green Bay and Appleton Areas.
AHESLI (African Heritage Emerging Student Leaders Institute) AHESLI promotes higher education, career exploration, and job opportunities for high school students.
JuneteenthCommemorates the emancipation of enslaved Black people in the US
ABLE (Academy of Black Excellence)A program designed to fight the opportunity gap by providing structured, out-of-school, culturally relevant, and responsive high-impact tutoring, and coaching to grades 28 students in Northeast Wisconsin.
Soulful Holiday VillageSoulful Holiday Village event is a Black-centric Chrismas event featuring a Black Santa. It includes a toy giveaway, family portraits, a holiday train ride and free soul food to-go.
Get the Shot L.I.V.E African Heritage, Inc. (AHI) has launched a grassroot campaign to stopthe spread of COVID-19 in our Black communities. COVID-19 has ravaged all communities;however, African Americans, Blacks are more likely to contract and die from COVID-19. AHIunderstands there are mistrust and misinformation that has led more than 50% of AfricanAmericans to be hesitant to the idea of taking the COVID-19 vaccine. We will increaseawareness and encourage our Black communities in Northeast Wisconsin and surrounding areas totake the COVID-19 Vaccine by using culturally relevant and authentic methods to increase asense of hope and decrease hesitancy.
Back To SchoolAHI hosts this annual event to provide free school supplies to promote a more equitable start to the school year.