Program areas at Ag Innovations Network
KEY PROJECTS INCLUDE:ROUNDTABLES, COLLABORATIVES, AND MULTI-STAKEHOLDER CONVENINGSCRAE: Ag Innovations facilitated a series of roundtable discussions in the CA Roundtable on Agriculture and the Environment (CRAE) to strengthen collaboration to improve stewardship of working lands and a systems-exploration of the challenges related to agricultural viability given new groundwater regulations, climate change, and market forces.Groundwater Leadership Forum: Ag Innovations facilitates the Groundwater Leadership Forum, a group working to make collective impact around the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA). This effort is supported by the Water Foundation. They have undertaken a systems level evaluation process of SGMA, and are planning for collective action that will help SGMA more effectively achieve its goals. This includes increasing alignment, collaboration, and cohesion between environmental justice groups and conservation groups working on water issues in California. The GLF continued its work from a grant from the Department of Water Resources (DWR) of $2 million to support technical assistance to support the inclusion of drinking water and the environment in groundwater management actions. In summary, the GLF has conducted the most comprehensive review of SGMA to date, and in this process has become a trusted and known resource for State agencies. California Water Action Collaborative: Ag Innovations facilitated the CA Water Action Collaborative, using systems thinking to support water stewardship and restoration in CA between corporations and non-governmental organizations. It also learned from experts about policy and issues facing water supply and stewardship in CA, and worked on issues related to SGMA, measuring collective impact on water stewardship. It facilitates working groups in three regions of California, including the Bay Area, the South Coast, and the San Joaquin Valley region, in order to foster collaborative project investments. It also continued an exploration of social equity applied to water stewardship in California.Tulare Basin Watershed Network: Ag Innovations continued to facilitate a collaborative network in the Tulare Basin focused on connecting resource management agencies, non-governmental organizations, land managers, tribal entities, and others on innovative, collaborative action around watershed stewardship. In addition, TBWN and Ag Innovations are partnering together to provide facilitation and outreach support to a Multibenefit Land Repurposing Grant won by the Pixley Groundwater Sustainability Agency. This grant extends through 2025.Additional Projects in this Service Area:California Biodiversity Network Workshop FacilitationNatural and Working Lands Retreat Facilitation Carbon Cycle Institute/California Resource Conservation District Hub Cohort and Policy Workgroup Facilitation MULTI-SECTOR COLLABORATIONSustainable Pest Management Working Group: Ag Innovations completed a two year process facilitating the CA Department of Regulations Safe and Sustainable Pest Management Working Group. Using a systems approach, the Work Group and Urban Subgroup identified strategic points and priorities for advancing sustainable pest management in agricultural and urban settings. They then developed recommendations, resulting in a Roadmap to reducing pesticide use in CA. State agencies are now using the Roadmap to guide state policy and collaborative action throughout CA.Ag Order 4.0, Central Coast: The Central Coast Water Quality Preservation, Inc. (Preservation Inc) engaged Ag Innovations and their partner, JM Consultants, to assist with convening a stakeholder process. The goal was to collaboratively develop 3P Work Plans that comply with the Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Boards (CCRWQCB) Ag Order by understanding interests and commonalities and facilitate a collaborative advisory process for developing these plans. This project involved participants from agriculture, the environment, and environmental justice, and was successful in accomplishing these initial outcomes.Additional Projects in this Service Area:Sonoma Mendocino Economic Development District Ag Tech Innovation Center Session FacilitationCAPACITY BUILDING AND ASSESSMENTOccidental Community Action Planning Committee Facilitation: Ag Innovations supported the Occidental Community Council (OCC) to create a shared vision and develop a Roadmap that outlines the primary objectives of the OCC and the approach for accomplishing those objectives in the coming years in service of the local community.Sonoma County Food System Alliance General Plan Workshop Facilitation: Ag Innovations facilitated a workshop with the SCFSA, and planners from the County of Sonoma, the City of Petaluma, and the City of Santa Rosa to develop recommendations based on the Food Action Plan goals that can be incorporated into general plan development.Sonoma County Food Distribution System Assessment: Ag Innovations was contracted by the County of Sonoma Human Services Department to conduct a Food Distribution System Assessment across Sonoma County. The assessment will identify gaps in services and unmet needs and make recommendations to the County of Sonoma to improve the distribution of resources more efficiently for food and nutrition programs that serve Sonoma County residents. The Assessment will provide practical solutions informed by the community, particularly those most affected by food and nutrition insecurity. The assessment is intended to support effective decision-making by the Board of Supervisors to optimize the deployment of funds for food distribution in the County, thereby significantly impacting the lives of Sonoma County residents. PUBLIC ENGAGEMENTSolano Subbasin Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA): Ag Innovations continued its facilitation of collaboration between five groundwater sustainability agencies in the Solano Subbasin, and with adjacent groundwater subbasins. Ag Innovations also continued to lead public engagement in the Subbasin to understand the interests and needs of beneficial users of groundwater in implementing the groundwater sustainability plan. Ag Innovations was hired by Solano GSA to provide these services, and was also supported through a contract for facilitation services via the Department of Water Resources, as a facilitation services provider with Stantec, Inc.Delta Conveyance Project (DCP): Ag Innovations facilitated environmental justice outreach and a community benefits program for the Delta Conveyance Project (DCP). Through a variety of grassroots efforts, Ag Innovations reached 22,423 Delta residents. This included participation in more than 31 community events, and presentations to 12 community-based organizations, to inform residents about the latest DCP developments and how to get involved in the public review process of the Draft Environmental Impact Report. Ag Innovations has also facilitated community benefits program meetings with the City of Courtland, CA, in order to help develop beneficial programs for the Courtland community as a means to demonstrate goodwill and a concern regarding adverse effects the Delta communities would endure through construction of the proposed Delta Conveyance Project. Firesmarts Napa: The Firesmarts Napa initiative built capacity, tools, and knowledge to support communities, particularly those at the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI), to collaborate more effectively to respond to large-scale wildfire risks. Ag Innovations developed The FireSmart Playbook: Developing Community Resilience at the Wildlands-Urban Interface, to support community-wide wildfire preparedness and risk mitigation in the WUI. The Playbook builds upon interviews with community wildfire experts and practitioners, a broad review of wildfire reports and resources, as well as Ag Innovations experience in supporting a FireSafe Council in Calistoga. The project produced a Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP), in partnership with Napa Communities Firewise Foundation (NCFF) and Napa Resource Protection District (Napa RCD).Firesmarts Lake Sonoma: Ag Innovations partnered with Sonoma Water to develop an approach to mobilize the watershed-wide community to prepare for, respond to, and recover from wildfires. This partnership combined Ag Innovations two decades of experience facilitating complex collaborations and community engagement with Sonoma Waters scientific expertise and connections with local government policy leaders and fire agencies. The project focused on helping neighbors work together more effectively on fire resilience, watershed health, emergency preparedness, and with local support agencies. The project concentrated on Sonoma County and Mendocino County around Lake Sonoma, then deepened its efforts in Sonoma County, Mendocino County, and on into Napa County. Efforts led to a $500,000 Cal Fire Grant to support local firework and support agencies, as well as a second grant to Ag Inn