Program areas at Agape International Missions / Co Moses Samol Seth
Prevention Pillar Preventing child sex trafficking starts by confronting the demand for trafficking and addressing the needs of the children in our community. This includes working to keep these kids out of the hands of pedophiles, pimps and traffickers who perpetrate and perpetuate the industry. If it's acceptable to sell your child, or to buy a girl for a night, the cycle will never end. AIM serves children and families in many ways through our community church, humanitarian aid, AIM School, Lord's Gym, Emergency Family Care, and Lotus Kids Club primarily in Cambodia.In 2023, our AIM School had 911 students, 200+ people attended our Church every week, and we had an average of 40 members of the community attend our Lord's Gym.
Rescue Pillar The Agape International Missions SWAT Team has been granted unique permission by the Cambodian Government to assist the Cambodian Police as they conduct investigations, perform raids, make arrests, and rescue victims of trafficking alongside Cambodian law enforcement. No other organization has been given so much freedom and trust, and we make as much of it as we can! In addition, we've assisted in the rescue and repatriation of survivors from 9 different countries.In 2022, AIM rescued and assisted 104 survivors of sexual, and other, slavery and sexual abuse.
Restoration Pillar The women and girls who've been sold, abused, held captive and devastated by sex trafficking need more than a one-night raid and one day of health care. Our restoration programs provide survivors with love, hope, healing and the tools for a brand new life that will last a lifetime. Survivors stay in our Restoration home for as long as they need, and our loving team of social workers follow up with these women for the rest of their lives. Programs include the Agape Restoration Home and transitional homes in Phnom Penh & Svay Pak, Cambodia.In 2023, we provided a safe home and cared for 146 girls through our Restoration programs.