Program areas at WMAHEC
Maryland Health benefits exchange - to provide a connector entity that assists individuals with signing up for Health insurance under the affordable care act.
Msmets - program to support the general operation of the Area Health Education Center in Education, recruitment, retention and development of Health professionals in the region in and around Western md.
Rural community opioid response - provide Education on opioid and addiction-related stigma to the general public and healthcare workforce, include advocacy for harm reduction programs, expand access to prevention, treatment and recovery services, promote development of stable housing and other services for those in recovery, provide targeted services for families affected by opioid and substance use disorders. Program includes healing allegany which seeks to reduce illness and death in allegany county, Maryland related to opioid and substance use disorders and neonatal abstinence syndrome which seaks to enhance family-support services in allegany and garrett counties related to neonatal syndrome (nas), in which children are born affected by maternal drug use.
Health right - to increase access to emergency dental care for low income, uninsured adults by coordinating donated and deeply discounted oral Health care provided by network dentists.pos Ahec - to recruit Health care professionals to fill workforce gaps and increase Health career Education in public and private schools.ggait - the geriatric assessment interdisciplinary team (gait) project provides university system of Maryland Health professional students an accessible and affordable clinical training experience in geriatric healthcare.ggear - supports professional Education and resource development for personnel providing care and services to the elderly in Western maryland.maryland deptartment of Health and mental hygiene - to assist the rural Area Health centers (ahecs) by providing funds to enhance training, recruitment, and retention of medical providers in rural areas.covid-19 and overdose response - reduce harms caused by the covid-19 pandemic among people who use drugs, particularly emphasizing targeted distribution of naloxone to populations most impacted by the increases in overdose deaths.access-ssp - reduce substance-related morbidity and mortality by optimizing services for people who use drugs and deliver services for people who use drugs using a harm reduction framework and approach.caregiver outreach - support provision of covid-19 testing and vaccination, influenza vaccination, hiv testing and linkage to care, and viral hepatitis testing and linkage to care services along with monkeypox testing and linkage to care.allegany recovery peers (oocc peers) - provide a peer support specialist to assist participants int he drug court, pre-trial diversion, and jail reentry programs in allegany county.