Program areas at AID Upstate
1491 individuals living with hiv were provided access to a range of services including: health insurance enrollment/payments (319); hiv and primary medical care (888; 2,198 visits); prescriptions; oral health care referrals/payments (296); food pantry (338); transportation to care appointments (437; 2,318 trips); mental health and addiction treatment srvcs and support groups; housing; treatment education; medical case management. Household income of half of those served was below 100% federal poverty level. Prep (pre-exposure prophylaxis), a closely monitored prescription that can significantly reduce the risk of getting hiv-1 through sex, was provided to 315 individuals who also received medical and laboratory services: 7,351 completed medical encounters including behavioral health, lab, and nurse visits.
Aid Upstate prevention services provides free and confidential hiv, hepatitis c (hcv), hepatitis b (hbv), and other sexually transmitted infection (sti) testing. All individuals who access testing services receive personalized risk assessment, risk reduction counseling including pre-exposure prophylaxis (prep). Individuals testing positive are linked to medical care. Alternative hours and sites are provided throughout the area. Staff is involved with capacity building, student training, and participation with other entities for research. In 2023 goals and deliverables set by funders have been exceeded in every category. Approximately 1377 hiv test were provided with a total of 58 positive results (3.05% positivity rate); 254 enrollees received prep navigation services (362%); syphilis 328 test performed (131.2%).
Housing services included case management; assessment of housing stability and needs of individuals living with hiv to 546 individuals; assistance with rent, utilities, and mortgages to prevent homelessness to 223 households of individuals living with hiv and 119 other beneficiaries in these households; housing placement (rental and utility deposit payments) to 31 households in unstable conditions; rental subsidy to 8 households through tenant based rental program; operational support for 11-bedroom group home operated by au; contacted operational support with stephen's house, a 6-bedroom group facility and operation of the laurel, an 11 bedroom facility for a total of 31 individuals were provided facility-based housing. All individuals had household incomes below 80% of area medium income.