Program areas at Air and Space Forces Association
Conference, symposium, event:afa hosts major national events to facilitate ethical dialog among senior government and military officials, aerospace and other industry leaders, airmen, guardians, media representatives, educators, and interested members of the public and to promote innovation, education, and professional development. Afa's Air, Space & cyber conference is our largest annual event with over 18,000 registrants in 2023.
The mitchell institute for aerospace studies:the mitchell institute for aerospace studies harnesses seasoned talent to positively influence the national security debate by cogently articulating how the domains of Air, Space, and cyber can prudently advance the nation's interests without projecting undue liability and vulnerability. Products include scholarly reports, briefings and various op-eds to help defense policy practitioners, policy experts, airpower enthusiasts and the general public better understand specific topics of interest. Restricted mitchell institute contributions totaled $3,708,000. These contributions are excluded from part iii revenue, but were used to execute program operations.
Air & Space Forces magazine:afa's Air & Space Forces magazine and its daily report e-mail newsletter on news, trends, technology, and developments in the us Air & Space Forces, Air & Space power, and national security. The annual Air & Space Forces magazine almanac features a comprehensive compendium of Air & Space force statistics, historical budget and personnel data, maps and profiles of every aircraft and weapon system in the inventory.
Cyberpatriotcyberpatriot is the afa's national youth cyber education program created to address a vital national need by drawing students to education and careers in stem. The core element of the program is the national youth cyber defense competition which puts middle and high school students in charge of securing virtual networks. Other program elements are afa cybercamps, the elementary school cyber education initiative, a children's literature series and cybergenerations, the senior citizens' cyber safety initiative. Restricted cyberpatriot contributions totaled $886,000. These contributions are excluded from part iii revenue, but were used to execute program operations.
Membership & field servicesmembership dues help afa advance its mission with products like Air & Space Forces magazine and programs like wounded airman and guardian program. Members receive a variety of benefits, including the monthly magazine, discounts on products, and discounts on the 2 major events held each year. Afa is led by volunteer leaders at the national, state and local levels. These field leaders are the governing body of afa.
Aerospace education and public awarenessafa is dedicated to ensuring america's aerospace excellence through education scholarships, grants, awards, and public awareness. Partnerships with groups like civil Air patrol and arnold Air society/silver wings help us reach the next generation of airpower enthusiasts. Restricted aerospace education contributions totaled $133,000. These contributions are excluded from part iii revenue, but were used to execute program operations.
Stellarxplorersstellarxplorers is an educational program designed to inspire and attract students to pursue careers in stem programs through a challenging, Space system design competition involving all aspects of system development and operation with a spacecraft/payload focus. Restricted stellarxplorers contributions totaled $438,000. These contributions are excluded from part iii revenue, but were used to execute program operations.
Wounded airman and guardians programafa continues to expand our focus on the total Air force family, which includes military spouses, children, wingmen, and families. Aid has ranged from financial support, to lodging for caregivers during hospital stays, and involvement in adaptive sporting events.restricted wounded airman and guardians contributions totaled $122,000. These contributions are excluded from part iii revenue, but were used to execute program operations.
Doolittle leadership centerin 2023, doolittle leadership center (dlc) conducted 19 leadership development workshops, providing its signature leadership course to more than 400 airmen, guardians, and dod civilians at nine Air force and Space force installations around the world. The center's interactive "lead, develop, care" curriculum develops hands-on skills that leaders at any level can apply to their day-to-day missions and responsibilities. Restricted dlc contributions totaled $167,000. These contributions are excluded from part iii revenue, but were used to execute program operations.
Other programsother program services include the legislative affairs, communications, affinity programs, and development operations.