Program areas at Alamo City Chamber of Commerce
Provision of programs and services to contribute to economic development and growth of african american, minority, and small business throughout san antonio.
The Alamo City Chamber of Commerce, in its efforts to continually assist in the growth and development of its members, and to attract professionals, and other community leaders that live and work in bexar county and nearby surrounding counties, the Chamber offers an exciting and comprehensive leadership program, the entrepreneurial and professional institute connection (epic). Epic is dedicated to building a network of community leaders who will utilize their diverse talents, skills and unique perspectives to address community-wide challenges, identify viable alternatives, and help solve todays and tomorrows problems facing a growing san antonio, and surrounding communities. Epic scholars may expect to form bonds with fellow-scholars that will last a lifetime and to have fun learning during each class session. Epic program features the program features a series of core and selective subjects, along with an externship(s) for each scholar (shadow day(s)), and an epic scholars group term project. Epic will be governed by a thirteen (13) member professional steering committee that is representative ofexpertise in the five core and nine elective subjects, plus the chambers executive director. A distinguished epic alumni will be established to include graduating scholars and expand each year through scholars successful completion of the program series and graduation. Alumni may also be a resource for the steering committee and participate in assisting new scholars. Epic scholars must make a nine month commitment beginning in september and ending in june, with a one month recess in december. The epic leadership development class is participant driven and requires preparation time before class days. As an interactive learning process, scholars are expected to devote time and hard work to achieve personal success. Epic = round-table discussions, speakers, tours, externships, group term projects, team building, lunch book club and discussions, experience, education, partnerships, and relationships.