Program areas at Albuquerque OASIS
Albuquerque Oasis offers educational opportunities across a wide range of subjects. Our classes, presentations, hikes, walks, and groups fall into the following categories: art, consumer, current events, film & tv, food & nutrition, health, history, literature, music, performing arts, performances, personal enrichment, philosophy, religion & spirituality, science, math, & nature, southwest, technology, and trips & travel.oasis offers our educational opportunities through in-person classes, a hybrid format which pairs in-person with an online platform, and full online classes through the Oasis institute. Every class at Oasis is taught by a qualified instructor who exhibits either academic credentials, professional experience, or demonstrated life-experience relevant to the topic. In 2023 Oasis offered a total of 434 classes over the course of three trimesters.
Albuquerque Oasis promotes wellness through our health & wellness programming. By increasing awareness, knowledge, and skills for older adults in the areas of health and wellness, Albuquerque Oasis promotes healthy aging. Our health and wellness classes emphasize current research on aging, falls prevention, physical activity, diet, and exercise. In 2023, Oasis offered a variety of both evidence-based and non-evidence-based health and wellness classes through in-person classes, and online.
Volunteer service through Albuquerque Oasis is primarily demonstrated through the Oasis intergenerational tutoring program. Tutors work with three public school districts: Albuquerque public schools, belen consolidated schools, and the bernalillo public school district. This program trains and matches volunteer tutors with primary grade children (k-4) to build reading skills, confidence, and positive attitudes toward reading and learning. During the 2023 school year, the Oasis intergenerational tutoring program tallied a total of 14,991.25 volunteer hours.
Technology literacy - Albuquerque Oasis provides a variety of technology classes for its participants to assist older adults improve their technology literacy. This evidence-based connections curriculum, developed and updated on an on-going basis by the Oasis institute, includes topics such as android and iphone basics and intermediate phone skills and cybercrime fighters, which provides information on scams, phishing and password protection.