Program areas at Addiction Services Council
The Addiction Services Council addresses alcohol, drug abuse and other addictions/dependence issues across the full continuum of substance use disorders. From advocacy and community awareness, prevention, intervention, treatment to recovery support Services, we are able to assist consumers/families in accessing care no matter what the substance and no matter what the problem. 24 hours/day, we provide live, personal response through our substance use disorder hotline (513-281-7422): the only one of its kind in our region. The Addiction Services Council provides a variety of direct treatment Services including assessment, individual and group counseling, and intervention Services. These Services are available on a sliding fee scale. We serve people from all "walks of life and many of the clients were serve are indigent. We are very concerned that, as public resources become tighter, many will go without the help they need. We provide 6 groups a week for people awaiting the placement in a more intensive treatment program, those exploring the need for alcohol or other drug related treatment, people seeking support for their recovery, family members seeking to increase their quality of life or wanting to decrease enabling/self-destructive behaviors and consumers involved in treatment who need additional counseling Services to address problems such as domestic violence, family dysfunction, and trauma resolution. The Council structures its treatment Services to fill identified gaps in our community service delivery system and offers Services that are not available elsewhere. In 2023, we handled approximately 9,402 calls from individuals seeking information and/or help regarding addictions. Of these, 752 individuals received help through our recovery health access center (rhac) (assessment, case management and/or placement) and 99 received outpatient treatment services.we also provided prevention Services to approximately 30,000 individuals through our expanded community outreach efforts, school-based programs, summer camp, eaps, overnight and weekend response team, and gambling assessment/education program.
To prevent adverse effects from substance use disorders, the Council provides programs in schools and communities specifically designed for children, adolescents, and adults that focus on promoting social and emotional growth while providing accurate information about alcohol and other drugs. We provide alcohol and drug free activities at various sites in the area and operate a summer camp (kuumba) that highlights prevention of alcohol/drug abuse and tutoring for educational needs. The life skills program is evidence based and helps strengthen communication skills and provides opportunities for interaction about topics in age appropriate ways. Workplace intervention network (win) offers employers assistance in identifying and resolving productivity problems for employees impaired by drug abuse. Our street outreach program targets individuals in the community at risk for suffering from adverse effects of substance use disorders and provides information about community resources, treatment Services, harm reduction, and prevention. Our prevention efforts put us in contact with over 30,000 people every year.