Program areas at All Brains Belong VT
Medical programs: All Brains Belong's medical programs serve a population of patients whose needs were unment by the traditional healthcare system. We serve neurodivergent kids and adults. The majority of our patients are medically complex with high rates of chronic illness. Our model integrates medical care into holistic support for All aspects of health, including social connection, peer mental health support, and employment support. 339 patients served in 2023.
Education programs: we provide neurodiversity education for employers, healthcare practices, schools, community organizations, and families. Understanding the ways that people think, learn and communicate benefits everyone, and promotes a culture of acceptance and understanding. 434 perople served through synchronous education programs in 2023. In addition, a free comprehensive educational resource was created for patients and primary care providers to improve autistic and adhd patients' healthcare, accessed by 7,950 people in 2023.
Community programs: All Brains Belong uses universal design principles to provide kids and adults access to social connection. Our programs include a customized friend-matching program for kids, parallel play crafting for adults, family peer support, and a weekly storytelling program for All ages. We also hold virtual and in-person events throughout the year. 1,649 people served in 2023.
Employment programs: new pilot workforce development program supporting patients who are unemployed or underemployed because of disability. We provide educational workshops regarding employment-related access needs, bridge to community resources, and support individuals to start their own small businesses. 9 patients served in 2023.