Program areas at All Chicago Making Homelessness History
Rapid rehousing - All Chicago administers a rapid rehousing program which connects families and individuals experiencing Homelessness to permanent housing through a tailored package of rental and other assistance. This is funded by american rescue plan act (arpa) and emergency solutions grant (esg), continuum of care, and state awards.
Continuum of care - All Chicago convenes key stakeholders and drives collaboration to lead Chicago's city-wide response to Homelessness through the Chicago continuum of care (coc). All Chicago leads the member agencies through a year-round process of research, evaluation, training, strategic planning, and federal funding applications. All Chicago manages the homeless management information system (hmis) database, which maintains data on chicagoans experiencing, or at risk of, Homelessness and the services they receive. All Chicago also serves as the coordinated entry system lead agency for the coc. This includes assessing people for diversion and housing resources, connecting eligible people to housing, and supporting individuals in locating housing units when prioritized for housing.
State homeless prevention program - All Chicago administers the Illinois department of human services state homeless prevention program for residents of Chicago. This program provides rental, mortgage, and utility assistance, approved case management, and approved supportive services directly related to the prevention of Homelessness to eligible families. The student emergency fund assists Chicago college students experiencing a financial crisis or transition by distributing critical and timely financial assistance via a network of partner organizations and schools to support students toward college graduation. All Chicago's emergency fund provides households with immediate rental and financial assistance to prevent a sudden financial setback from becoming a long-term financial crisis. The emergency fund also provides assistance to partner agencies.
Dfss rental assistance program - in partnership with the city of Chicago's department of family and support services (dfss), All Chicago administers the rental assistance program for chicagoans who are at risk of becoming homeless.
Crisis response - All Chicago administers programming to support people rapidly exit from shelter and unsheltered Homelessness. This includes peer support services to help people sustain in their housing through connections and community. This also includes supportive services to access employment or apply for public benefits.