Program areas at All Peoples Community Center
Youth and family and adult programming summary: our programs achievehigh impact on quality of life for participants through an integratedapplication of our competencies in these functional areas providingacademic tutoring, counseling and referral services, education and lifeskills mentoring nutrition and health services, recreation, sports andcamps, Community service and civic engagement activities. We alsocollaborate and partner with other key local nonprofits to increaseour positive impact in the Community. Youth after school programsconsists of academic tutoring to address academic deficiencies, as wellas activities to enrich conceptual thinking, team work, andcommunication skills including sports and recreation opportunities,visual and performing arts projects.
Food security, youth financial literacy, and women financial literacy: provides monthly access to supplemental food and provide information on other food resources and assist in helping them access these other programs. During emergencies distribute relief materials, such as diapers and personal hygiene products. Financial literacy program educates individuals on essential personal money mangement skills.
Youth programs: (1) while most services are provided at All peoplescommunity Center, we coordinate and conduct after school programswhich provide tutoring and homework assistance to improve collegeadmission rates at three nearby housing developments located in dunbarvillage, Washington 702, adams and central. (2) the family sourcecenter provides a continuum of core services designed to assistlow-income families become self-sufficient by increasing family incomeand academic achievement for youth and adults (continued on schedule o)(continued from page 2) the Center is a one-stop shop that offer a hostof social, educational,work and family support services esl/citizenshipclasses, counseling case management, financial literacy, computerclasses, employment training and placement, and comprehensive academics.