Program areas at Allen County Drug and Alcohol Consortium
Drug-free Indiana (dfi) - as one of 92 county-based coordinating councils defined by statute in Indiana, the organization completes all state requirements including submitting an annual comprehensive community plan and is approved by the state to receive county-based funds in order to focus on intervention, prevention, and justice services in the Allen County community. These funds are then distributed via intervention scholarships, justice mini grants, and prevention mini grants. Drug free communities (dfc) - the organization is currently concluding the 10th year of this grant. This grant is only available for up to 10 years, so there will be no grant activities going forward for dfc. Handle with care (hwc) - through a grant from idoh, the organization has initiated a grassroots effort to pilot a handle with care program. The hwc model requires that a nondescript notification is sent to a child's school when they have a documented interaction with law enforcement for any reason so that trauma-informed care can be provided if needed. This effort has required collaboration with local school districts, local law enforcement agencies, and local child protective agencies. Overdose fatality review (ofr) - through a grant from idoh/incares, the organization prepares case reviews and conducts monthly meetings which include representatives from local health departments, law enforcement agencies, healthcare providers, grief support professionals, child protective agencies, medical examiners/coroners, and substance use treatment professionals. The purpose of these meetings is to conduct a thorough review of preventable overdose deaths in Allen County to better understand how and why an individual dies as a result of an overdose and to act to prevent other deaths. Funding for this grant ended in august 2023, but through collaborative efforts with the member agencies and Allen County department of health, it will continue on a volunteer basis through at least 2024. Project alert - through a grant from dmha, the organization facilitates the implementation of an evidence-based curriculum that addresses risk factors for substance use of today's teens and effectively increases their likelihood to remain drug-free. Wellness initiative for senior education (wise) and community conversations-through a grant from dmha, the organization facilitates the implementation of an evidence-based program to promote physical and mental health in senior citizens, as well as one-off conversations focused on health, wellness, and nutrition issues and instruction for senior citizens. Stop suicide northeast Indiana (ssnei) - through a grant from idoh/title v, the organization facilitates the activities of the stop suicide northeast Indiana coalition. Ssnei conducts c-ssrs trainings, hosts an annual candlelight ceremony in memorial of loved ones lost to suicide, provides toolkits free of charge to local entities who suffer a loss within their communities, and offers other training and education as requested. Talk. They hear you (tthy) - through a grant from dmha, the organization implements the "talk. They hear you." Media campaign which aims to reduce underage drinking and substance use among youths under the age of 21 by providing parents and caregivers with information and resources they need to address Alcohol and other Drug use with their children early. Too good for drugs - through a grant from dmha, the organization implements an evidence based, universal k-12 prevention education program designed to mitigate the risk factors and enhance protective factors related to atod use. The lessons introduce and develop social and emotional skills.
Justice - to increase data measurement, reporting, joint planning and implementation across twelve community sectors, including criminal justice, in order to reduce Alcohol and Drug use/abuse in Allen County. Local coordinating council meetings are held collaboratively with prevention, intervention, and justice partners bimonthly.
Intervention - to educate and improve the accessibility, affordability, and quality of the continuum of care in substance abuse treatment within Allen County.