Program areas at Alliance Against Domestic Abuse
Client services: financial assistance financial assistance can overcome barriers and provide adequate safety for our clients when planning their next move. During 2022, the Alliance provided services to 142 clients in relocation, transportation, car repair, utilities, and basic needs such as walmart gift cards. We believe these numbers will increase over time due to the lack of basic services in our community. Housing the housing program provides shortterm emergency safehousing and longterm rental and utility assistance to survivors as needed. During 2022, services such as landlord support, navigating housing resources, and now budgeting with an expert, were provided to 89 clients. This number has declined because we decided to extgend the hotel days for each client.
Education/prevention/outreach: education programs in 2022, the Alliance executed 29 presentations to a variety of populations including youth, general public, and community partners about violence prevention, healthy relationships, bystander intervention and how to respond if a survivor discloses Abuse or assault. In addition, we reported 596 participants during 2022. Individual peer support and advocacy the organization has 7 paid staff members and 12 volunteer advocates that provide nonjudgemental support to adults and children experiencing Domestic violence or sexual Abuse. In 2022, 194 clients received advocacy services and individual peer support. Legal court advocacy financial expenses, especially legal aids costs, could be a barrier for most Domestic and sexual violence survivors. As an organization, we believe that services like court accompaniment, legal advocacy, information of resources, and support are important components of empowering survivors beyond Abuse. Last year, the Alliance provided legal services to 46 clients.