Program areas at AAFVSA
Stabilization and housing placement services - individual and family assessment and stabilization. Individual and family housing placement assistance. Services provided to prevent homelessness and assist individuals in obtaining housing. Services provided include rental assistance, deposit assistance, utility assistance, case management, legal services and moving assistance.
Emergency services - provide food and shelter for individuals and families in crisis. In fiscal year (fy) 2023-24, we served 1,045 people, providing 73,688 warm bed nights and 183,402 meals to both sheltered people and members of The community struggling with poverty and hunger. The agency assisted 1,021 homeless individuals (i.e. 611 households) using city of bakersfield and kern county funding for emergency shelter. All of these individuals were extremely low income, 308 had disabilities, and 573 were female heads of household. Of The 1,045 clients served, 273 exited to permanent housing and 372 exited to temporary or transitional housing. All clients in The program participated in case management or aftercare. In fy 2023-24, 1,312 clients received rapid rehousing services and 1,038 received homelessness prevention services.
Jobs program - workforce re-entry program that provides training and job placement services for homeless individuals and low income members of our community.
Children services- provide licensed child care for children 0-5 who are victims of domestic violence and/or sexual assault.
Outreach- provide counseling and assist survivors of sexual assault anddomestic violence in reclaiming their lives and community education.