Program areas at Alliance for A Better Community
(see schedule o)1. Latino/a scorecard research and Community engagementin fiscal year 2022 to 2023, abc has worked to move various policy recommendations delivered in the 2021 latino/a scorecard report: A policy roadmap for transforming los angeles which answered A series of critical questions about the opportunities and challenges facing latino/as in los angeles county and established A grade/score in five different focus areas. The scorecard report uplifted the assets that latino/as bring to the county as well as highlights opportunity gaps that have acted as barriers that prevent latino/a communities from fully thriving. The scorecard culminated into A report with secondary research analyses and public policy recommendations - informed by issue experts and the Community - across various areas. These recommendations are being moved forward in advocacy, organizing, power building and communications efforts across specific areas.2. K-12 & higher educationdual language learner and english learner success now in its fourth year, abc continues to co-chair the advisory committee for the consortium for multilingual learner success formerly the consortium for english learner success. Since its inception, abc has embarked on efforts to improve and advance A values-based policy agenda for english learners (els) and dual language learners (dlls) to have greater success in los angeles. This initiative coordinates data, research, outreach, Community organizing and communications efforts to ensure that multilingual learners have A high quality, well-rounded, education. In 2022, the consortium for multilingual learner success launched the policy workgroup, led by californians together, and the grassroots workgroup, led by abc, to offer coalition members an opportunity to have more frequent engagement. The grassroots workgroup centers Community voices in guiding and informing the local and statewide strategic direction of the consortium and creates awareness of the challenges and issues that linguistically diverse racial and ethnic communities face. Since 2022, abc has convened A growing list of grassroots organizations through in-person and virtual meetings throughout the last year engaging A number of Community based organizations, school administrators, and research focused organizations. In 2023, abc championed the needs of multilingual learners by actively supporting state bills like ab 270, ab 292, and ab 714.also in 2023, abc began working on A narrative shift project focused on english learners. Narrative shift involves shifting, challenging, and changing prevailing mindsets that influence our society and policy. The purpose of this project is to shift prevailing negative mindsets about english learners so that our Community at large can recognize the assets that english learners and multilingualism bring to our schools and communities. Phase 1 of the project, carried out in 2023, focused on developing A narrative in collaboration with 10 partners representing diverse perspectives in the ecosystem of advocacy and support for english learner students. From july to december 2023, partners met monthly in four-hour sessions in which they learned about the role of narratives in movements for social change, and contributed their ideas to shape the building blocks of A new narrative in support of english access and success in southeast los angeles (cass) policy frameworkabc launched the college access and success in the southeast los angeles (cass) policy framework. Through cass the sela goes to college initiative was created in partnership with cross-sectoral community-based organizations in southeast east los angeles. This program aims to increase college preparedness support options in high schools by expanding the partnerships between k-12 schools and the local Community colleges. Platicasplaticas are monthly virtual convenings for abc's parent network. The platicas have served as an opportunity to provide real-time and valuable information to our parent network by inviting experts to talk about A variety of topics aimed at the Community's needs. Additionally, the platicas serve as A platform for the parents to be heard and have open conversations with one another, share their experiences and ask questions. As part of our vision to build up Community leaders, we need to give parents the proper resources to develop their voice and leadership. With each month comes A new topic to learn about. We choose our topic based on current events and needs in the context of that time of year. We collaborate with partner organizations so they can share their issue/content expertise with our parent network. The platicas allow for parents to create A Better shared identity with other parent leaders in our network and help them build relationships with one another. As A result parents then create more awareness about the platicas con abc. Additionally, the platicas help abc identify policy advocacy priorities, collect qualitative and anecdotal data, and capture storytelling to support humanizing the data. Closing the digital divideabc has continued leading efforts to highlight the extreme inequities that exist in the southeast los angeles(sela) county region with regards to the digital divide. During the pandemic, A lack of access to reliable and affordable internet prevented low-income households with majority latino/a residents accessing services andabc launched the parent academy, the program designed to build leadership skills in latino/a parents of los angeles unified school district (lausd) students, who are too often underrepresented in civic leadership. The parent academy has 213 parent leaders enrolled and has engaged them in advocacy efforts including lausd public comment, state legislative visits in sacramento, and traditional media interviews. 3. Civic engagementsela votesabc developed and launched an integrated voter initiative and program in southeast los angeles (sela) to increase latino/a voter participation. The sela votes initiative is the first of it's kind in the sela region which targets "high opportunity" voters most commonly known as "low propensity" voters. Abc serves as A convenor of seven cbo's that are not traditionally civic engagement focus; however, they understand the intersectionality and importance of their work and civic partnered with five base building, trusted messengers and community-based organizations to launch the sela votes! Initiative. Sela votes! Is an effort to target A latino/a-majority civic deserts in la county and build the necessary infrastructure to increase latino/a voter turnout. This includes the following strategies: 1) develop common understanding and agreement on the importance effective voter turnout and the potential impact on policies, practices, and programs2) build cohesion among leaders of local community-based organizations grounded on common values3) increase the voter outreach capacity of local community-based organizations 4) build voting power in southeast la the sela votes initiative is the first of its kind in the southeast los angeles region. Abc is the convenor of 8 cross-sectoral community-based organizations that work directly with sela residents in diverse issues including environmental justice, health, and education. The first four strategies above have been implemented and achieved.4. Economic prosperitycommunity economic resilience fund (cerf)abc has held A seat at the Community economic resilience fund (cerf) stakeholder meetings, la county cerf outreach and engagement committee, and la county cerf data and research committee. Cerf la was created to promote A sustainable and equitable recovery from the economic distress of covid-19 by supporting new plans and strategies to diversify local economies and develop sustainable industries that create high-quality, broadly accessible jobs for all californians. 5. Healthin fiscal year 2022-2023, abc continued to work in A key statewide coalition to advance the goals of the health4all campaign to advocate for A health care system that provides for all californians. Abc and partners increased awareness through advocacy and campaign efforts to expand medi-cal to all low-income adults regardless of immigration status, recognizing the crucial link between access to health care and economic prosperity. In 2022-2023, abc also identified and recruited twenty health ambassadors to help advance abc policy priorities through the parent academy. The health ambassadors participated in A seven-week advocacy training on green schools and the impacts of environmental justice in health and education.