Program areas at Alliance for Community Empowerment
Gang reduction youth developments gryd intervention ages 15-25 and prevention ages 10-15 programs incorporate a comprehensive approach to reducing gang crime and violence while improving youth development. Through Community engagement, mentorship, intensive counseling and personal development activities, gryd is able to strengthen the resilience of youth, families, and communities. Those who graduate from our program are better equipped with the tools necessary to combat systematic oppression, navigate life challenges, and thrive. In the 2022-2023 program year, ace conducted 15 Community healing and peace keeping events. Ace provided case management assistance to a minimum of 40 participants at all times for an annual total of 160 individuals and families and hundreds of people in the Community.
Aces cal-vip connects resources directly to the communities and individuals most affected by violence. Cal-vip provides incident response and intervention, but also addresses the underlying factors that contribute to a cycle of violence - such as economic disparity, systemic injustice, lack of access to quality education and mental health services, and the pervasive influence of trauma. Cal-vips comprehensive approach includes the following key components resource connection, preventative education, Community engagement, support for survivors, advocacy and policy change. By addressing the root causes of gun violence through a multi-faceted and community-centered approach, aces cal-vip program aims to not only mitigate the immediate impacts of violence but also pave the way for lasting peace and resilience within our communities.. Ace served more than 175 participants.
Aces dol youthbuild program trains young adults ages 16-24 for the construction field. In the program participants obtain certification on national center for construction education and research nccer and some occupational safety health administration osha certificates. The training consists on receiving classroom construction training and afterwards hands on training doing construction work for the build up and/or renovation of low income housing or for Community centers that benefit low income communities. While young adults are participating in the program, they receive incentives in the form of stipends to motivate them and increase the chances of completing the program. Ace served 82 participants in this program.