Program areas at Alliance Safety Council
Training programs: asc provides specific Safety training programs designed to equip workers with core competencies and/or basic Safety training to eliminate or mitigate risks at worksites. Training programs include the following: coss and saf supervisor are instructor-led programs that provide companies with proven tools to create risk literacy in new Safety supervisors, construction superintendents, and project managers. The certified occupational Safety specialist program (coss) is an instructor-led 40 hour course for students to prepare for jobs in occupational Safety and health. This unique, curriculum-based training course is recognized nationwide for its rigorous standards and outstanding curriculum. Safe supervisor is a 2.5-day certificate course that enhances a line supervisor's understanding of the bigger picture of Safety and their role in creating a safe work environment. Safety awareness fundatmentals (saf) is a series of online standardized courses that provide up-to-date ohsa awareness level orientations. Saf trains members' students on essential Safety topics. The training is accessible anytime, anywhere online.powersafe is a computer-based training course that addresses the general Safety needs of utility companies and contractors. The course provides standardized osha awareness level Safety orientations as it pertains to psm standards for industrial construction.the mid-south osha training institute education center (otiec), a consortium with Louisiana state university, college of engineering and Alliance Safety Council, is one of the 26 otiec training centers in the country. It offers training courses on osha standards and occupational Safety and health issues, bringing expanded opportunities to Safety and health workers and specific e-learning allows companies the ability to provide employees with consistent, standardized Safety training. Asc is able to deliver site specific new hire orientations or a general Safety orientation for a company's new and incumbent employees. Additionally, Alliance Safety Council manages the Safety training records and provides access to customized reports. Basic orientation plus is a required Safety awareness program for entry into an industrial plant that accepts the training as a prerequisite to entry. Students receive reciprocal training which allows entry into other worksites with the reciprocal basic orientation plus card. The training travels with the student so that retraining is not necessary. Basic orientation plus refresher is an annual refresher that covers regulatory changes impacting Safety. In order to ensure safe and secure worksites, many of the greater baton rouge area chemical plants, refineries and manufacturers accept the security passport, an asc program that allows employers to initiate criminal background screenings for the contractor workforce that services and maintains their facilities. Asc is a primary provider of the incumbent worker training program (iwtp) grant which is funded by the state's workman's compensation fund. This benefits business and industry by assisting in the continuing skill development and Safety training of existing employees at a reduced cost. Asc then works with employers to develop or conduct training for employees.
Community:in the continuing effort to minimize off-the-job injuries that result in work disruptions and absences for over half of area workers, asc child injury specialists diligently educated the community on atv Safety and proper car seat installation, offering private technician appointments to caregivers weekly. Through appointments with asc Safety experts, parents are taught proper car seat installation and general child passenger Safety. In 2022, an estimated 64 car seat inspections were performed. With support from a local hospital, the child passenger Safety program was able to reach a greater number of children with special needs and more children from lower socio-economic groups and rural areas. This program reduces unintentional injuries to children and young adults. Adventures in safetyland is a 30 year-old program that delivers a hands-on learning adventure designed for 5, 6 and 7 year-olds to practice life-saving Safety rules. The 5-day curriculum teaches children how to put Safety first through daily activities including speaker presentations by various public Safety agencies, videos, activities and interacting around a child-sized town. Adventures in safetyland was not held in 2022. However, funds were received for this event per an agreement with gulf coast occupational medicine, and these funds have been allocated to deferred revenues as of december 31, 2022.the think-safe. Think family. Program shares life-saving Safety messages with individuals and organizations throughout the state of Louisiana.
Membership: asc is a membership organization. Annual membership dues of $399 for corporations and $199 for small businesses provide companies access to our online registration system; a secure, online Safety training records management system; and substantial discounts on training. 1,871 companies were members in the annual meeting, the membership receives an annual report presentation on the past year. The board of directors is present. Our premier event, the Louisiana governor's Safety and health conference is an annual event that brings together leaders to promote Safety and health in Louisiana. Numerous health, Safety and emergency readiness topics are presented for citizens and the workforce. This event was not held in 2022. However, however, funds were received for this event per an agreement with gulf coast occupational medicine, and these funds have been allocated to deferred revenues as of december 31, 2022.
Administrative fees and other related revenue.