Program areas at Alpha Kappa Psi Fraternity
Chapter services: the Fraternity provides services to its approximately 185 chapters through dedicated staff support, publications and resources, oversight and guidance.
Conventions and meetings: the Fraternity holds various conferences and focused on learning, leadership & professional development as well as educational information and materials. Each convention has approximately 1,000 attendees. Principled business leadership institutes have approximately 4,000 attendees in aggregate. The Fraternity also hosts a series of online learning sessions in virtual cohorts and via a learning management system focused on servant leadership, inclusive leadership, and general leadership development.
Alumni services: the Fraternity provides services to its approximately 28 active alumni chapters primarily through the maintenance and updating of membership records
Values based education is a key component of Alpha Kappa Psi operations. Alpha Kappa Psi offers several opportunities for lifelong learning through onsite educational programming at special events, e-learning modules, a vast array of webinar offerings, and other opportunities. All education is focused around the core values of Alpha Kappa Psi, brotherhood, unity, integrity, service, and knowledge. Education applies to both student and alumni members of Alpha Kappa Psi.