Program areas at The Als Association - Greater New York Chapter
Care services: Als United Greater New York provides a wide range of services for people with Als and their families living in New York city, long island, lower and mid-hudson valley and northern and central New jersey. The organization sponsors ten multidisciplinary clinics in the region, makes loans of medical equipment and assistive communication devices, provides grants to patients to alleviate some of the considerable financial burden of the disease, holds patient and caregiver educational symposia and monthly support groups, conducts home visits, provides transportation to quarterly clinic appointments, and offers social work and referral services.
Public awareness and education: Als United Greater New York works to promote awareness to affected families to help them understand all facets of the complex and devastating disease that is Als, as well as the work of the organization among the general public, healthcare professionals, and the scientific community. Through external relations, our website and social media channels, the organization continually raises awareness about Als and the search for a cure. On average, 63,000 viewers visit our website annually to access this vital source of information for those battling the disease and looking for information about services and the latest news about the disease. Our social media platforms, including facebook, instagram, youtube, x and linkedin reach 18,500 followers.
Research: Als United Greater New York has funded more than $16.5 million in als-specific research efforts to support innovative and diverse scientific research studies and clinical trials worldwide. The organization is particularly proud to support the milton safenowitz post-doctoral fellowship program, which encourages and facilitates promising young scientists to focus their future work in the field of Als research.
Advocacy: Als United Greater New York works to educate the public as well as policy makers at the federal and state levels in order to drive them toward smart decisions about Als related to research, treatment and access to care. At the federal level, the organization has been instrumental in securing annual funding for the department of defense's Als research program, the national Als registry at the centers for disease control, and the national institutes of health Als research program. At the state level, the organization continues to build relationships with the New York and New jersey state legislatures to secure government funding for local care services that directly benefit people with Als and their families.