Program areas at Altarum Institute
Altarum's areas of focus include behavioral health, long-term services and supports, maternal and child health, medicare and medicaid, military and veterans' health, applied research and evaluation and public health information technology and data modernizationpublic health experts: Altarum's advisory services provide direction for health policy implementation and progress. Our team of public health experts advise on navigating state or federal regulatory requirements, improving program performance, and delivering higher quality care. This includes policy analysis, project management, capacity building, workforce development, quality improvement, practice transformation, evaluation studies, coalition engagement, and learning collaboratives. For example, Altarum provided public health emergency unwinding services to Kentucky's department for medicaid services. The project includes a broad range of services including project management, stakeholder engagement, policy and waiver analysis, and data analysis to support Kentucky successfully unwind public health emergency flexibilities. Transformative insights: Altarum's research provides a foundation on which we build solutions to achieve a future of better health for all. Altarum's insights are designed for practical application and achieving measurable results. Our applied research and analytics service offerings include economic modeling and analysis, proprietary tools, survey science, and data analytics. Our analysts, statisticians, and research scientists work every day to deliver greater value to the us health system while controlling costs. In addition to supporting the full survey lifecycle, we integrate research and data analytics to reveal actionable results. For example, Altarum's ace measure of patient engagement tool is a fully validated tool that uses 12 questions to enable clinicians to ascertain engagement, intent to treat, and health literacy in two minutes.building capacity: Altarum's training and technical assistance (tta) services ensure effective application of knowledge and evidence-based best practices, builds capacity, and leads to better outcomes. We have decades of experience operating training and technical assistance programs for federal agencies such as substance abuse and mental health services administration (samhsa) and health resources and services administration (hrsa) and have recently been recognized by the bureau of justice assistance (bja) as a national tta expert for our work strengthening coordination between community-based organizations and law enforcement across more than 20 states. Connecting health information for better outcomes: achieving seamless public health data interoperability is key to improving the public health infrastructure. Altarum has been helping public health programs modernize their data systems for two decades. We have hands-on experience developing fast healthcare interoperability resources (fhir) solutions, collaborating with major electronic health record (ehr) vendors, and working closely with interoperability standards organizations like hl7. For example, Altarum created and maintains the Michigan syndromic surveillance system which receives data from over 200 emergency departments and urgent care facilities and rapidly detects and alerts state and regional epidemiologists to outbreaks of illness. Another example is Altarum expands staff capacity and provides interoperability services to the Washington department of health. Services include improving hl7 message processes, streamlining the onboarding and monitoring of laboratories, training staff, optimizing reporting, and enhancing data feeds essential for reporting, modeling, and visualizing probable case technology: Altarum's cross-functional team of software engineers, data scientists, and public health analysts have deep expertise and help state governments and others across the health care spectrum improve health through technology. For example, our innovations in newborn screening interoperability resource center provided states and territories technical assistance and training to promote data interoperability and exchange between health care providers and state public health newborn screening programs, ultimately improving outcomes for infants and children with heritable conditions. Registry development: the ability to track and integrate clinical and public health data sets is critical to enhancing our understanding of disease trends, improving patient outcomes, and facilitating informed decision-making in public health programs. For over 20 years, Altarum has helped communities, states, and the nation track, integrate clinical and public health data sets, and connect vital health data so to understand disease trends, improve patient outcomes, and facilitate decision-making in public health programs. For the Michigan cancer surveillance program, alarum provides technical assistance and integration services to electronically extract and process cancer case information from clinical settings. For the orange county health care agency, Altarum is developing data exchange to better safeguard public health by minimizing inadvertent exposures to multi-drug resistant organisms (mdros) in health care settings. The centralized system aligns with the goal of cdc's data modernization initiative to provide actionable insights faster for decision-making at all levels of public health.