Program areas at Alzheimer's Research Foundationfisher Center
The Zachary and Elizabeth M. Fisher Center for Research on Alzheimer's disease:the principal activity of The Fisher Center for Alzheimer's Research Foundation is to provide funding to The Fisher Center lab at The rockefeller university, one of The largest and most modern facilities in The world dedicated to solving The puzzle of Alzheimer's disease. The lab is currently led by newly appointed director, dr. nathaniel heintz, The james and marilyn simons professor at The rockefeller university. The Fisher Center has provided researchers around The globe with a conceptual framework for understanding The disease process and continues to be at The forefront of one day finding a cure for Alzheimer's disease.
The Fisher Center Foundation information program:our information program promotes disease awareness, education and resources for people with alzheimer's, their families, friends, and caregivers. Information is dispersed through social networks, electronic and physical mailings, transit ads, and The Foundation's website, The site is updated regularly to provide comprehensive data about Alzheimer's disease, recent Research studies and findings, treatment and disease management. The site has over 475,000 unique visitors a year. Our tri-annual magazine, preserving your memory , circulates 65,000 copies per issue and continues to win awards based on its editorial content as it addresses reader concerns over diagnosis and progress of Alzheimer's disease. Our free bi-weekly e-newsletter, Alzheimer's Research news you can use, continues to be a highly reviewed Alzheimer's and dementia e-newsletter with over 13,000 subscribers. Our social media presence continues to grow, with nearly 10,000 facebook followers, driving people to our website to seek out other information program materials. Our transit ads, a recent addition to our program this year, successfully drove thousands of travelers in The tri-state area (ny, nj, ct) to our website to find out more about our Research, information and resources.
A grant was made to The Fisher Alzheimer's disease education and resource program at nyu grossman school of medicine where dr. martin sadowski and his team focus on The roles of peroxiredoxin-6, a protein encoded by The prdx6 gene and a member of The peroxiredoxin family of antioxidant enzymes, that is progressively emerging as a possible therapeutic target for Alzheimer's disease.
Rockefeller university fellowship:the Fisher Center Foundation has provided funding for The Fisher fellows in neuroscience program, a partnership to financially support five of The most outstanding third- and fourth-year students in The david rockefeller graduate program.rockefeller university greengard professorship grant: The Fisher Center Foundation has provided funding for The paul greengard professorship in neuroscience at rockefeller university in honor of The late nobel laureate and his 35-year tenure with The university.imagine institute, paris, france:a grant was given to a european Center of Research on genetic diseases to investigate whether The structure of amyloid proteins is changed, particularly if protein aggregates, which are toxic for synapses, are decreased. In this hypothesis, masitinib may decrease protease release by mast cells, which may be responsible for generation of protein aggregates, and test whether masitinib is able to block lesions spreading after prions like proteins inoculation. This project will reveal The role of mast cell and kinases in The pathophysiology of Alzheimer's disease. A better understanding of its mechanisms may define The best strategy to improve Alzheimer's disease.