Program areas at Amani for Africa USA Foundation
During 2022, Amani for Africa USA Foundation (Amani) pursued it's mission by obtaining donations from individuals and churches and distributing funds to relieve poverty and promote education and health in central Tanzania.Agriculture: These program grants to Amani Care support the Amani Center in Makang'wa, Tanzania. The Center provides work experiences and vocational training in cultivating and processing agricultural products (primarily grapes and maize), raising and marketing livestock and livestock products (such as cows, chickens, pigs, and dairy products), and constructing / repairing equipment and buildings using proper materials and methods. (Continued on Sch. O)The Center also provides work projects in times of famine to provide additional income and food for nearby village residents. Local people manage and operate the various activities in order to encourage Amani Care's aim to develop the local economy with sustainable agricultural projects and to provide families the income to afford education for their children.The 2022 program expenditures detailed in Part III were distributed as grants to Amani Development Organization (also known as "Amani Care"), a "community related and Christ centered" Non-Governmental Organization registered with the government of Tanzania and operated from the Amani Center. The Amani Center is located on 530 acres of land originally donated by the village of Makang'wa, Tanzania.
Water Projects: These program grants to Amani Care support drilling and maintaining water wells that provide clean, healthy water for over 40,000 people in nearby villages and schools.
VIMECHIA Children's Home: These program grants to Amani Care support a home near the city of Dodoma, Tanzania, for orphaned children operated by an independent Tanzanian NGO VIMECHIA ("Viable Means for Child Aid"). The grants provide meals, clean water, care, and supervision for over 300 children.
Education and Training: Support for other programs operated by Amani Care include grants for English speaking pre-school, kindergarten and primary schools operated by Amani Care. Additional grants support college education for deserving students and specialized vocational training. Over 300 students from local villages are involved. Evangelism: Other grants support Christian outreach through evangelism and distribution of Bibles throughout central Tanzania.