Program areas at Ameinu
General programs - Ameinu is dedicated to promotig a negotiated two state solution between israel and palestinians. Intiatives around this include educational programming, publications, missions to the middle east and advocacy work within the jewish community.
Kibbutz program center - Ameinu reinforces jewish continuity through support for habonim dror, the labor zionist movement, and managment of the kibbutz program center which sends young adults on a unique israel experiential journys every year.
The third narrative - founded eleven years ago, the third narrative's mission is to promote a two state solution, peace and justice to israelis and palestinians. Ttn engages People on the left who suspect that it is wrong to lay all blame for the palestinian-israeli conflict at the feet of israeli jews but aren't sure how to respond to israel's most vitriolic critics. Via its website and network of academics (aaf), ttn distributes materials that have been read in 22 countries, used on campuses, in organized labor and political organizations, as well as in jewish, christian and muslim religious communities.
Other programs - programming/outreach, representation and advocacy, Ameinu canada, al walaja 2022, israel parade 2023, israel-democracy, project rozana and farband.