Program areas at America Nepal Medical Foundation
Coronavirus pandemic relief training critical care nurses in infection control, with a focus on managing long covid and preventing future outbreaks, is crucial for ensuring patient safety and minimizing the spread of infectious diseases. This training enhances their knowledge and skills in infection control, better equipping them to manage and mitigate the risk of future outbreaks in the critical care settng.
Projects to improve healthcare in Nepal anmf's commitment extends to fostering awareness and empowerment among young girls through the "i am a child, not a bride" program. By providing health training tailored specifically for girls, anmf contributes to raising awareness about the detrimental effects of child marriage. Through education and advocacy, this initiative aims to protect the rights of girls and promote healthier outcomes for both individuals and communities.anmf has supported educational endeavors aimed at fostering public awareness at the local level to enhance the prompt and effective treatment of snakebites. Through targeted initiatives, resources, and collaborative efforts with local stakeholders and healthcare professionals, anmf continues to play a pivotal role in safeguarding the wellbeing of communities vulnerable to snakebite incidents.the acquisition of blood transfusion equipment will bolster the capacity of healthcare facilities to meet the diverse needs of patients, and ensures the availability of safe and sufficient blood products for patients in need. The acquired equipment is capable of efficiently collecting blood from donors, processing it into various components, and preserving the resulting blood products.
Rural projects in Nepal conducting a comprehensive disease and health study in rural Nepal represents a pivotal initiative aimed at understanding the determinants and burdens of noncommunicable diseases (ncds) in adults, as well as respiratory health in children. This longitudinal family cohort study encompasses various components to provide a holistic understanding of health related challenges in the determine the impact and evaluate the projects funded by the anmf in Nepal, a comprehensiveevaluation framework can be established. Anmf can assess the impact of its investments in Nepal, identify lessons learned, and leverage successes to further advance nursing and midwifery practice, improve healthcare delivery, and promote health equity in the region.the construction of palliative and hospice care unit in devghat, a rural area in Nepal is a significant stride towards enhancing healthcare accessibility and quality of life, aimed at providing a comprehensive and compassionate care to the elderly population facing terminal illnesses. This will not only provide essential Medical services but also foster a supportive environment conducive to holistic healing and dignified end of life care.